Chapter 32

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So I'll go with dedicated ships chapters rn

So this one is for Enmu x Rui :>


I gave names to the Spider Family Members, since we only know Rui's :>

So here r the names:

Spider Sister: Mio(BC it's a beautiful name + it's a name from anime "My Happy Mariage"  and the main character's name was Mio, and best part is I forced my lil brother to watch it with me but he liked it later)

Spider Mother: Yua

Spider Brother: Yasu

Spider Father: Kenta

Enjoy :)


Rui's pov

I woke up in one of my webs. It was sunset already. I could go out in some time. I got down to see my older sibling, mother and father. They were all siting and talking about some things. I was very quiet, do I wouldn't disturb their talk, but then, by mother spotted me.

-Hello Rui!- she said

-Hello Mother- I replied

-How did you sleep?

-I slept well.

-Also, you got a letter from someone. No worry, we didn't read it.

-A letter for me?

-Yes. Here you are.

She gave me a letter that was addresed to me by one of her strings. I went to my room to read it alone. It was from Enmu.

"Dear Rui

I hope that you're doing well! I'm going on a mission, so unluckly we can't meet tonight. But you don't have to worry! I'm going there with Akaza, so I'll be okay. I promise that I'll send you a letter when I'll be back, so then we can meet :)

Take care

Enmu "

I was a bit sad that we couldn't meet, but ad least he'll be okay since he's going with Akaza-san. I decided to wait for him. 

7 Days later

It's been one week since he went there. I was a bit scared, but I wasn't summoned in the Infinity Castle, so he's still alive. I spended time with my family. My sister started to teach me how to sew, and it was preety fun. I made cloth from my webs, since her have poison, and even thou it wouldn't probably work on them, she still was a bit scared. After I made cloth, she showed me how to make haori's yakuta's and kimono's. I made one for Enmu as a gift when he'll be back. After another day of my sister's teaching, I went to my room since it was still day. I fell asleep on my bed.

I woke up to the feeling of someone watching me and sitting on me. When I opened my eyes, I almost didn't got a heart attack.

-Enmu!- I screamed- You fuckin bitch you scared the living shit out of me!

-Oh.- He said- Then sorry~

-Ugh. What are you doing here anyway? You said you'll write me a letter.

-I went to see you~.

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