Chapter 20

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Not at GC again :)


Akaza's pov

I was at my estate, when I heard a knocking on my door.

-Come in- I said

I was sure that it's Douma with another of his brilliant idea to bother me. I was suprised to see Kaigaku in my door.

-What u want?- I asked

-U know what day is today?- He asked

-29th February................... Oh...

-So? Why r u like that?

-R U stupid?


-Then hou u don't remember?

-IDK. Tell me already what day is today.


-Oh...... I forgot

-U R really stupid.


-Faster KYS(it means Kill yourselfn if u don't know what it means)

-Ey don't be so mean!

-STFU. Where r others?

-At the meeting platform. They were talking abt smth and when I asked, they told me to ask u what day is today. Anyway I'm going to them since IK what they were probably talking abt.


I got up and I went with Kaigaku to the meeting platform. There were all the uppermoons exept Douma. Inosuke and Aoi were also there. They were talking abt smth. Probably abt Douma's Bday.

-May I guess, ur talking abt smth with Douma's Bday?- I asked

-Yes, we are- Daki told- We're planing for him a Bday party

-May I help?


-Can I also help?- Kaigaku asked

-Yea sure- Gyutaro said

-Sooo.... What r we planning for it?- I asked

-Well.... Dad likes woman meat, so I think that a cake with woman meat will be ok- Daki said

-I don't agree on that- I said

-Just because u respect woman and don't eat them, doesn't mean that u can't agree- Inosuke said

-Then I simply won't eat the cake

-Me and Inosuke also won't eat it, since it'll be canibalism.- Aoi said

-Ok but rest of us will eat- Kokushibo said- So the cake topic is finished. Now what?

-Where we'll throw a party and decorations- Nakime said

-Ithink abt his room- Gyokko said

- Someone would have to take Douma away, and rest of us will make these decorations and the cake.

-Ok- Hantengu said- Who'll distract Douma?

-I can- Inosuke and Aoi said

-Ok then- Nakime said- Me, Daki, Gyutaro and Kaigaku will make the cake, while rest of us will set the room ready. We'll start the party at 12 AM. OK everyone?

-Yes- All of us said

-So let's make the party. Remember, it's a secret.

-Yes we know- We all said

nakime strung her biwa, as me and others were teleported to Douma's room. Of course he wasn't there. We started to make the room ready. We finished at 11:59 PM. We turned the lights off. The "bakers" were already there. When 12 AM was already, we all heard Nakime's biwa.

-So..... what's the thing that u wanted to show me?- Douma asked

-You'll see- Inosuke said

-SUPRISE!- We all screamed as we turned the lights on.

-That's for.... me?- Douma asked suprised

-Yes- I said


We started the party. Everone enjoyed the cake..... exept me. I saw after a moment that Douma came up to me.

-What?- I asked

-I have smth for u Akaza-dono!~ - He said to me

-Don't even try me to make me eat that Woman Cake

-No worry!~ It's not that~ It's smth else~ 

He took from his pocked a box. He gave it to me. I oppened it- there was a cupcake.

-Try it!- He said

-If it's with female meat, ur getting fucked same as when Muichiro dared me.- I said

-Try it and u'll see!~

I took a bite. It was with man's meat. I even saw that he putted an eyeball there

-U like it?~ - he asked

-yea.... I guess- I said as I felt blushing

-That's great to know!~

After the party ended, all the uppermoons were gone. We of course cleaned the mess. However, I stayed.

-What's wrong Akaza-Domo?- He asked when he noticed me

-I wanted to give u your gift- I said

-OHHHH! I'm exiced! What's the gift?

I came up to him. I felt my face to turn red. When I was very close, I gave him a kiss. He wasn't even suprised. Just..... happy...... It felt weird...... Like a..... real smile..... not a fake one......... It was.... weird.... that it wasn't fake.......

-Awww!~ -he said- What's very sweet of you!~

-N... no problem- I said as I hugged him- I..... I love u Douma

-I love u too Akaza-Dono!~

-Can we cuddle?


We picked me up and took me to his bed. He hugged me, and I hugged him. We both fell asleep after a moment.


A fluff chapter :)

I want to say that I was trying to find Douma's Bday date, but it's like trying to find yesterdays day, I mean I couldn't find it, since on internet there was 0 things abt Douma's Bday. Seriously. Pls write me if u know when Douma was born :)

I sumply putted 29th of February BC why not? :)

I wanna know how in the world I'm almost at 1K views at thin boom in less than a month. How? THX u all for all these views. For now I'm at 960 views. Just 40 more :)

THx u all. I'll make a gacha video for 1K views to show u my video making skills :)

Good day / night :)

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