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Guys............ I'm crying FR RN.............

We have 2k views now.......... how? 😭😭😭

THX u all with all my heart ;)

I can't believe it's already. I started this book like 1 month and 10 days ago.... THX u all

I promised that I'll tell my most embarasing story out of all in my entire life, even tho I said after Q&A, but IDGAF abt that, I'll reveal it.

Just please.... Don't type me these 4 words in comments, I had a  kind of mental breakdown at school bc some of my classmates started it again, but now they stopped, but IDK for how long.... after I told my parents abt that at home, my dad was teasing me with these 4 words and I was mad, bc for me it wasn't funny..... so pls don't say these words. Story is also translated to english, and in Polish I said 2 words, but in English it's 4 ;(

So pls don't type it or in English or in Polish

I beg on my knees

Okay...... here's the story...

So it happened in 4th grade(In Poland u go to 1st grade as 7 YO, and in 4th grade u go as 10 YO, and u finish primary school[IG it's called like that, but IDK, but mainly the 1st years in school]) when I had nature as a school subject(It's Biology + Geography on level 0.5, so 10YO's can understand, and in 5th grade it's normally Biology and Geography splitted) with my class. It was in old IT class, before it was done up. We had abt male's and female's breeding organs(but there wasn't word s3x, but everyone knew what s3x ment). Everyone was disgusted abt it, exept me(I mean.. it's smth normal. They think how TF they came? They grew like plants? OFC that fuckin not). And we got to the topic of males and females breeding cells. We saw that um........... egg cell(that round cell that females create in their bodied) and um.......... I'll call it, Leo sing(sorry but IDK how it's called that males breeding cell ivi. but it's the one that can move). ANd we saw the photos of it. ANd when we arrived to Leo sing, i whispered to myself as a fuckin ass shit bitch idiot:

-It is so cute(in Polish[BC IK that some Polish people read this book] it was "Ale słodziak". English or any non-understanding-Polish people, u probably can't read that letter "ł")

Worst part is that we all had to sit in a huge group, and everyone heard me i-i. BUT IT LOOKED LIKE A BABY FROG FOR ME!!!!!!!!! ivi

That's the reason why I said that ivi

even tho later my teacher closed the topic, the MaGiClY remembered and started teasing me. I cried bc of it bc I usually hide my pain, sadness and these kind of emotions inside, but I couldn't help it this time, and I started to cry. One of teachers closed the topic for good(probably) and tEaSeRs apologided to me, and I forgived them. But I'm still have a huge wound in my mental health bc of that.

PLS I beg u all, don't type me these words, I hate myself for that, it's just for me not a joke. It just reminded me of a baby frog, that's all. Everyone has their own things that remind them abt smth. I just wish I could go backwards in time, to stop myself from saying these words. It's for me the most embarasing story and thing out of all. I hate myself for that, that u have no idea how painful that can be for me..... OFC I can imagine how others have bigger traumas, family issues or even have depresion, and I don't say that "Oh no I have worse than everyone else". I'm 100% sure that some people that read this book have worse than me, and for me it's ok. Everyone can have their own issues or self hating, it's nothing bad. For me it's just so fuckin stupid and embarasing, that I can't express that in words. And pls don't type me ur trauma stories or that u feel bad for me, bc I don't need that. I'm Ok. I'm just a bitch weirdo, that likes KNY and her fav characters are Nezuko and 2nd most hated character- Douma, likes spiders and parrots, color purple, and can't express most of the time her feelings. It's just me. 

IDK what I'll do on 2.5 K views. U can request me, and pls type questions on Q&A. Just not smth like for me "Do a flip" or smth, bc I can't add my gacha vids, just YT.

IDK when part 2 of chapter 25. It depends on my motivation.

I'll do 2chapter long christmas chapters, bc in Poland we celebrate Jasus birth(I mean by that Christmas) on 24th, and in England and English speaking countries at 25th and 26th, but I'll only do 24th and 25th. IDK how I'll do that tho :)

Good day / night :)

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