School stories

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K I'm at 700+ views and I thx u from bottom of my heart, bc it's much more than I ever wanted if I would write a book

So yea, I'm starting a book abt my school stories, and if u wanna read them, it'll be on my profile, but IDK when XD

But I'll be cringe as fuck + swearing + laugh attack with my class :)

But I'll tell u 1 of my stories that happened today :)

I won't tell u the names, so I'll give their nicknames that I'll use + their genders

UK lover- male

Milk- male(bc of his surname + I didn't wanted to give him nickname bc of his illness)

My enemy- Female

Cat lover- Female( + twin of my enemy)

Bestie of Cat lover - Female

Gamer- male

Smol girl- female (bc she's the smallest with other one)

Slay- female

old bestie- female

Smol girl's otouto- Male

That's all now the story :)

Enjoy it :)

So I basicly stayed after school, bc I wanted to play in snow with some of my friends. Even tho I have a runny nose, but IDC abt that, bc I said that I'll play. After I came, there was a snowball fight first in fromn of the school, later it moved to schoolfield(IDK that's how google translated, but basicly the place where u can play for example football). My old bestie made a snowball, and she gave it inside of my enemy's shirt XD. ID remember why, but my enemy took of her winter hat, wool collar, gloves and her coat. IT WAS FUCKIN -2 DEGRESS OUTSIDE! 'TF is wrong with her?' I though, but rest of them didn't cared. "ATTACK ON MY ENEMY!" Gamer screamed. We all started an attack at her with a lot of snowballs. I even hitted her multiple times on her face, plus I gave one snowball under her shirt. Slay even made her fall on the ground. I also wanted to do that, because she kept talking or comming closer to my lil brother. When she putted her coat on, I ran to her and I (IDK can I say sth like that) threw her on the ground. "AND HIS NAME IS JOHN C!" I screamed while throwing her at the ground. Of course she tripped. After a while she got up and went away with Cat lover and Bestie of cat lover went somewhere else. There was also before an attack on Gamer. He went away with Smol girl's otouto, and took My enemy's gloves with a lot of snowballs that some of them were huge, I mean that one that Smol girl's otouto had in his hands with her gloves. "Can I get on u?" Slay asked me "Sure IG" I said. She got on me, but she almost fell, because she got on me in the football's goal(that thing where ball for football and hand ball goes to get points, but again, Google translated that bc I didn't knew ) upper metal part. But luckly Milk was near that, so shw wouldn't fell. She got down, and Smol girl asked me to get on me, and OFC I agreed. And this time I remembered abt that metal part, and I walked with her for some time. "LOOK AT ME!" She kinda screamed. UK lover looked at her, and was totally shocked. She got down from me safely. "Slay wanna get on me again? This time I'll remember abt that metal part" I said. She agreed. And this time I walked with her for some time. She almost fell, but nothing happened to her. IDK how gloves fight ended, but IDC abt that. I'll ask abt that tomorrow, if My enemy won't be ill bc of that XD.

So yea, I'll start a new book with my school stories, and some will be cringe, some normal, and IG some kinda dramatic.

BTW I hope u enjoyed the story.

PLS gimme chapter ideas bc I'm out of them XD

Good day /  night :)

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