Chapter 5

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Basketball- Douma WTF

WomanEatingMachine- TF did I do?

Basketball- This and WTF is this

Basketball sends a picture

FlowerGirl- Dad who's this?

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FlowerGirl- Dad who's this?

WomanEatingMachine- Oh... I didn't wanted to tell you yet...

OniChan- Dad who's this? Answer us

WomanEatingMachine- 1 that's an old photo, 2 that's your step brother :D

FlowerGirl- Wait.... WE HAVE A BROTHER?!

WomanEatingMachine- Yes

OniChan- For how long?

WomanEatingMachine- Hmmm............ Let me think......for like 14,5 years

Basketball- How TF for that long?

WomanEatingMachine- He's now 15 years old

OniChan- But how?

WomanEatingMachine- Well, like 14,5 years ago, to my cult joined a woman with a child. Her name was Kotoha Hashibira, and the childs name was Inosuke Hashibira. She escaped her home from an abusive husband, and since she had nowhere to go, she went to my cult. I never wanted to kill her, she was the first woman I never wanted to kill. After Inosuke learnd his first word, it was dad, and he called me dad, so it stayed like that. But she died to a demon(I changed the fact that Douma killed Kotoha to the fact that other demon killed her) and so the baby survive, the thew him to the river, and he luckly survived. I saw him again like 6 months ago. He for some reason remembers me, so I sometimes visit him, even tho his a demon slayer, but his still my child afterall.

FlowerGirl- So we have a brother?

WomanEatingMachine- Yes, and he's in theory your older brother

FlowerGirl- Why?

WomanEatingMachine- Because your 13 years old and hes 15

FlowerGirl- oh yea right

OniChan- can u add him?

WomanEatingMachine- yea sure

DemonKing- I don't agree

FlowerGirl- pls

DemonKing- N O

BabyYoriichi- pls let Douma add him

DemonKing- k you can add him

WomanEatingMachine- YAY!!

WomanEatingMachine adds BoarHear

BoarHead- TF IS THIS?!

WomanEatingMachine- Hi Inosuke

BoarHead- Oh hi dad

FlowerGirl- Oh so that's our brother

OniChan- Hi

BoarHear- TF ARE YOU

WomanEatingMachine- That are your siblings

BoarHear- I have siblings?!

WomanEatingMachine- Yea, one older one younger

BoarHead- Oh K

WomanEatingMachine- U have one brother, Gyutaro, and hes older, and one sister, Daki and she's younger

OniChan- Hi

FlowerGirl- HI :D

BoarHead- Oh so I have 2 demon siblings where sis is like dad

Basketball- Clearly

BoarHead- Who TF are you?

WomanEatingMachine- that's Akaza-Dono :D

BoarHead- K

BoarHead- I'm going to sleep

FlowerGirl- Same

WomanEatingMachine- K bye my dears

BoarHead and FlowerGirl is offline

Basketball- Douma I'm coming to your room k?

WomanEatingMachine- K

WomanEatingMachine, Basketball and OniChan are offline


I enough of writing that book for today :D

bTW I'm thinking of making some kind of answering for questions chapter :D

Good day/night

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