Chapter 8

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At Demon Slayer Friends GC

ShyButterfly- Aoi?

BlueButterfly- Yea?

ShyButterfly- How did it go?

RockHead- Yea how it go?

LilDemon- Tell us!

BoarHead- It went good! She's my GF now

ScaredPickachu- wow I wasn't expecting that boar will find love

BoarHead- Ad least I don't simp for everyone

LilDemon- Inosuke don't be mean

BoarHead- k

AmericanBreathing- Welcome to the couple club XD

BoarHead- Thx.... IG?

MistBoy- Why IG?

BoarHead- Bc that's for me weird that he said "Welcome to the couple club"

MustBoy- K

RockHead- Guys we have mission.

ShyButterfly- All of us?

RockHead- Yes. At a village. Demon is killing there people.

AmericanBreathing- Ok. Let's go

Inosuke's pov

We got to the town that Tanjiros crow told us about. There was some kind of parade, where I saw a woman. She looked like

-Imouto....-I thought to myself- Oh god why it has to be you.... They will find out abt our family.

-Inosuke?- Asked Tanjiro

-WHAT?!- I screamed at him

-Are you okay? I can smell that you're scared

-I'm not!

-Ok. But if you need to talk, u can always tell me.


After the parade walked kinda far away from us, we went to the dark alley.

-Ok everyone- Said Tanijro- We need to find that demon. we'll go in 2 people groups. Inosuke, is it okay if you go alone?

-Yes- I said

-Okay. Genya and Muichiro you'll search on North. Nezuko and.... Eh.... you Zenitsu will search on South. Me and Kanao will search on West and you Inosuke will search on East. Ok?

-Ok- Almost everyone said

-Mmh!- said Nezuko with her muzzle

-Ok let's go kill that demon.- Said Tanjiro

We spited and started to search. I pretended to go on East, but when I couldn't see them, I got on one of the roofs. I started to go to my sisters house where she is while at her work. As soonest as I arrived, I started to search for her.

-Daki?- I asked

From one of the couners my sister went. Her hair was Black, with diffrent eyes and with her kimono that my dad got her.

-ONI CHAN!- she screamed as she ran to me, and hugged me

-Imouto u need to get back home- I said

-Why?- she asked

-Because my friends are here, and me and them have a mission to kill you and Oni Chan.

-Oh. No worry I'll get Oni Chan and we'll go back to the fortress.

-Ok, just don't go on North. One of my friends went with a hashira.

-Ok. I'll get Oni Chan and I'll text you when we'll be at the Infinity Castle.

-Stay safe!

-No worry I will!- she said as she left the work house

Zenitsus pov

I can't believe that I'm on mission with Nezuko-Chan! Just me and her! But I need to calm down. If I'll manage to kill this demon or protect her, maybe Tanjiro will send me more often with Nezuko-Chan. We were walking down the street when Nezuko-Chan stopped.

-Nezuko-Chan?- I asked

-Mhhhm Mhm Mmmm mnm Mhhhmn- She said as she pointed on one of the roofs.

-U wanna us to get up there?


-Ok Nezuko-Chan!~

We jumped on one of the roofs and she started to run.


I started to run after her. In a moment she stopped and started to look around. She was standing like that for a while. When I wanted to ask what's wrong, she ran up to me and pushed me away. I was confused. Then I understanded what she ment: a female demon ran where I was standing. We started to run after her. We managed to block her way. Nezuko got mad, I could see from her face. 

-UHG! Great!- The demon said

She started an attack at me, when Nezuko blocked it with her body. That demon cutted her arm and leg! She was mad. She got bigger, some plants grew on her skin, horn popped out from her forhead, and she brohe her muzzle. She started an attack. These 2 fought for a while. I need to help Nezuko-Chan. I took my attacking position.

-Total concentration.....-I thought to myself- Thunder breathing...... First form....

-Thunder clap!- I said as I started a attack. I rushed to her neck to cut it off. When I almost did...


Gonna stop it here.

You gonna be suprise what will happend next. 

Bielieve me I got this idea when I was playing roblox and I decided to make it XD

BTW I'm happy that my book is on #72 place on category ds on 1.2 k books and on #706 place at kimetsunoyaiba from 10.3 k books and I wanna say thank you for making my dream of having this book +2 views thank you for giving me a lot of motivation to this book, but also for you being here and reading this, and never give up on your deams if you want to write a book on wattpad :D

I'll 200 views I'll write a book with ANY ship that will have most votes :D

Good day/ night :D

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