Chapter 14

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Again not at the GC XD

Douma's pov

I was going to Akaza-dono's room to see him. I wanted also to ask him if he wants to go with me to the festival. I was still mad at Daki for not listening to me, but I was slowly calming down. But I didn't changed my mind about taking her things. But I couldn't ever set her on fire, bc of her trauma. After some time I finally arrived to his room.

-Akaza-Dono?- I asked as I knocked on the door to his room

-Come in- he said

I got inside of his room. He was sitting on his bed. I went to his bed and I sat on it.

-You're ok right?- I asked

-Yes I am- He said- Thx again. IG that I wouldn't survive that.

-I feel bad for you.

-Yea but if you want to say "U shouldn't only eat men because it'll end bad one day."

-I'm not going to say anything like that.

-I'm suprised. I mean u always say something like that when I meet a female demon slayer or a hashira.

-No worry I won't. I'm not going to say anything like that because of what happend today. But only today.


-even tho I would like to see you in kimono- I mumbled

-What?- he asked

-Nothing- I said

-U know I'm not stupid. I heard that.

-Sorry Akaza-Dono!- I said as I felt getting my face sightly red.

-It's ok..... can u wait a moment?

-Yea sure.

He got up and went to the bathroom. I started to look thru all the room to see what I can do while waiting for him.

-This is so embarasing- I thought to myself- Why I had to say it loud? UGH..... He's probably mad at me plus he's raging in the bathroom. I have to keep my thoughts to mysefl next time. Ad least he didn't saw that message that I sent back then.

-Douma?- He asked

-Yes Akaza-Dono?- I asked

-Remember that message that u send that u would like to see me in a kimono?

-What? I never send anything like that

-U did I saw


-Anyway.... U remember it?


-Well I wanted u to see smth


He unlocked the doors and he got to that room. I was suprised and I felt my face get slightly red. He was standing in the doors of his bathroom in a blue Kimono in white flowers with red/black Obi(it's that belt on the kimono). He had a lavender ribbon in his hair plus purple hair clip in his hair.

-A..Akaza-Dono...?- I asked as I tried to figure out why he's wearing a kimono in front of me

-You said that u would like to see me in a Kimono, right?- he asked


-Well..... I wanted to ask you if I look ad least good in it

-U do!


-Yes I wouldn't lie abt that




-Can u wear your normal clothes?I want to take you somewhere


He went back to the bathroom and after a minute he came back in his normal clothes.

-Nakime may u teleport me and Akaza- Dono where I told you before- I said

With one stung of her biwa we got to a hill. We could see the entire city from here.

-Why did you brought me here?- He asked

-Come sit next to me under that tree and you'll see in a few minutes- I said

We sat under that tree. We were watching the stars for a moment. After a few minutes as I said, the thing that I planned started.

Akaza's pov

We were watching the stars and as he said, the thing that he was talking about started. I was suprised and happy at the same time. The thing that he planned was bringing me to the firework show. It was beautiful.

-U like it Akaza-Dono?- He asked

-I don't like it, because I LOVE it- I replyied

-Aww! I'm glad u like it!

-But.... How did u know that it was today?

-I circled that day on my calendar, so I wouldn't forgot


We enjoyed watching them. I loved watching fireworks since I was a human. After about 5 minutes I decided to act like I'm asleep. I placed my head on his shoulder and started to act. I heard him softly giggle.

-Nakime teleport me to Akaza-Dono's room please- He said

I heard a biwa's sound as I felt us being in my room. He went to my bed and he putt me in my bed. When he wanted to let me go, I grabbed him, causing him to fell on me.

-U aren't asleep Akaza-Dono?- He asked

-No.- I said

-May I guess, U want me to stay with you and u want me to cuddle with you?


-My~My~Akaza-Dono u could just say


He went off me as we started to cuddle. I enjoyed it. After a while I fell asleep.


Question, Can I call it fluff? Bc IDk rll ;(

I got the idea in school during aswering the question of my polish teacher XD

U know what? IG that at 700 views I'll write a book abt my school life bc there are cringe/ crazy actions XD. Believe me, after school I stayed for a while with some of my friends, and there were that laugh and cringe attack that I almost didn't died from laugh XD

My school life in 4 words: Cringe, crazy and funny

IG that today or after 1:30 PM I'll get these 400 views :)

If u wanna ask why that hour, then it's because then I finish my school lessons :)

I wont add the new book today ig, and if someone wanna ask why: being tired, lazy and can't make an idea for a chapter XD

Good day/ night :)

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