Chapter 12

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BiwaLady- Hey

FlowerGirl- Hi Naki-Chan! :)

Coward- Nakime what u want?

BiwaLady- I was wondering if we can play truth or dare. But I'm not gonna count Master or Kokushibo here.

DemonKing- Good. I don't wanna play anyway

BabyYoriichi- Same

BiwaLady- So who's playing?

Everyone except Muzan and Kokushibo- ME!

BiwaLady- Ok. Muzan-sama and Kokushibo you can already go offline

DemonKing- K

BabyYoriichi and DemonKing are offline

BiwaLady- so who's starting?

UglyPotFish- I can

BiwaLady- K. T or D?

UglyPotFish- IDK Truth

BiwaLady- Did u ever fucked someone

UglyPotFish- .....

Coward- ......

UglyPotFish and Coward are offline

AmericanBreathing- XD

MistBoy- IG that I can go now

BiwaLady- Ok. T or D?

MistBoy- T

BiwaLAdy- Do you love somebody? If you do who's that

MistBoy- OFC I do. It's Genya

AmericanBreathing- THX Mui

MistBoy- K. Who want now?

Basketball- I can

MistBoy- T or D

Basketball- D

MistBoy- Fuck Douma

WomanEatingMachine- Why? o////o

MistBoy- BC U killed Shinobu's sister. U remember?

ShyButterfly- HELL YEA MUI! >:)

WomanEatingMachine- I do. But shouldn't Kanao or her Shinobu dare Akaza that?

MistBoy- They could, but I dare him bc Shinobu is my step Oni-Chan's GF so I dare it for her >:)

Basketball- Well Douma I'm coming >:)

WomanEatingMachine- K Akaza-Dono :)

Basketball and WomanEatingMachine are offline


FlowerGirl- No worry Oni-Chan dad'll be fine. I mean he kinda get fucked before so u don't need to worry

BoarHead- K IG

MistBoy- Who now?

ScaredPickachu- Me

MistBoy- K. T or D?

ScaredPickachu- T

MistBoy- Are u related at some point to upper 6? I mean not the demon siblings

ScaredPickachu- Yea I mean, we were training together.

MistBoy- K

ShyButterfly- Can I go now?

ScaredPickachu- Yes

ShyButterfly- I choose dare

ScaredPickachu- Do 7 minutes in heaven with Tanjiro

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