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“Everyone, get inside the car,” my father rushed us into the simple, silver Honda that had been used as our family vehicle for a few years now. Everyone used it, except me. I was the only one who couldn’t drive due to being underage. “Hurry now. We don’t want to miss this plane.”

My mother gave my father a strict look, one that made my father shut up and start the car. As the car purred to life quietly, my mother spoke out. “Frank, hush. We won’t miss the plane, you worry wort. Kids, just in case you want to live,  make sure you buckle up tightly. Though you should already be buckled, but - you know what? Just nevermind. Your eccentric mother is going to go nuts if she continues to talk and ramble.”

I laughed loudly, a massive grin growing on my cheeks. I didn’t say anything. I sat there and listened to my mother and father bicker back and forth. My parents gave me hope that one day, I would find something they had. They still looked at each other with love in their eyes. My mother once told me that every time my father calls her, or she sees him, she gets butterflies and a lump grows in her throat. That was a few weeks ago, and they’re both in their twentieth year of marriage.

My brother’s voice started to take me out of my small daydream about weddings and finding the perfect person for me. “Al, hel-lo? Are you even paying attention? Aletta Rose!”

The sound of my full name being spoken pulled me out of my daydream entirely. I turned to glare at my nineteen year old brother, his typical teenager look capturing my attention. He had that mud-brown hair that had that slight wave to it, and a pair of matching blue eyes. He’d always wore black heavy metal t-shirts and baggy jeans that usually had some type of stain on them. His appearance could be described with two words: black, and carefree.

“Allie!” my brother shoved me this time to grab my attention.

I made sure not to zone out this time. I hardened my focus on my brother, Ryan. “What is it, Ryan?” I asked him, crossing my arms.

“Mum and Dad were listing off some possible names for the baby,” he looked at me as if I’d gone mad. “What were some names you were thinking of?”

“Well,” I said, tapping my chin with my pointer finger. “What were some of the names you were thinking of so far?”

“Mum suggested Carly, Vienna, and Belinda. Dad suggested Hayley Marie, Zecele, and Milla. I think it should be something like Lou or something.”

“Isn’t Lou a man’s name, though?” I asked Ryan, my eyebrows arching up.

“No,” Mum said, chuckling softly, “Not necessarily.”

“Okay,” I said, sitting straight as a grin plastered itself over my cheeks, “How about this one? Louise Vienna Marie. That way you all get a say in her name.”

“Actually,” my dad spoke up, smiling at me through the rear-view mirror. “I kind of like that name. It’s nice and sweet.”

“You think so?” I asked my dad smiling.

“Of course, honey-”


My dad didn’t finish what he was saying. A large semi-truck that was swerving out of control had rammed into the side of our car. Glass broke, sending shards everywhere. Almost immediately, I brought my chest to my knees, cradling my face so that it was hidden. I made sure to cover the back of my head with my arms so that no shards would wound up puncturing me anywhere in the head. I wouldn’t want brain damage, now would I?

My family’s screams, tires squealing, and the sound of brakes filled my ears I just kept my eyes closed tightly, afraid that if I opened them, I would see what was going on. I would see the car flipping (Because let’s face it. No one can deny the feeling of your body being thrown around in a car as a simple car-crashing-into-a-pole. No, that’s the car flipping upside down), and my family’s look of terror on their faces. It was nothing I wanted to see.

When the car came to a stop, and silence filled the air around me, I daring to open my eyes. The car was turned upright, fortunately. The only thing that had filled my vision was a deep shade of liquid red. It covered every bit of the car, and every inch of me. I let out a toe-curling scream as tears streamed down my face.

I tried to ignore the seeping blood from my family’s bodies as I tried to check each and every one of their pulses. From what I’ve seen so far, I’m guessing they’re passed out, but I needed to make sure that they weren’t dead. I checked Ryan’s pulse first, my fingers pressing against his neck. I didn’t feel a beat, no vibration at all. It was calm. My heart began to hammer inside my chest as I checked my father’s wrist for his pulse next. It was difficult to reach him seeing that I had to squeeze between the two front seats, but I managed to get in there nice and comfortably. My father’s pulse was dead as well.

I silently hoped that at least my mother’s pulse would be there, that at least she would be the one to live through this with me. If not her, then please God, let my baby sister live. That’s the only thing I’m asking for.

When my fingers pressed against my mother’s neck, I felt nothing. I didn’t feel a beat, a pulse, or one small sign that my mother was living. I let the warm tears stream down my bloodied face as I began to cry hysterically. My family was dead. My family, all of them were dead. I sat back in the seat, not caring that blood had gotten onto my expensive t-shirt. I didn’t care about my hair that had blood matted into it. I didn’t care that I was smearing my family’s blood onto my face, or the fact that I was a mess. I only wanted my family to live, was that so hard to ask for?

I shrieked when I felt two pair of hands rest on my shoulders. I swatted them away as I looked into a stranger’s mud-brown eyes. His lips were moving, and he was making these large gestures with his hands, but no sound came out of his mouth. I heard nothing. I didn’t hear my hysterical sobs, and I didn’t hear the ambulance in the far distance. I heard complete and utter silence

Only then did I realize three things: One, I had a large piece of glass sticking out of my left ear, two, I was one-hundred percent sure that I was going to be deaf and three, I was the only one who was left alive in my family.


Hey fans!

So, this is the Niall Fan Fiction I promised you A LONG time ago. But, hey.Here it is! I've yet to figure out the first chapter, so if you could give me some ideas on how'd you like to see the first chapter, let me know. I could really use the ideas.. I'm  new to Niall Fan Fictions, because I've never written one about him... Why? Because I'm hardly attracted to Niall. Sure, he's attractive, but I only see him as a best friend, someone I can really trust.. I don't see him anything more than that.

Anyway, so that's that. If you could comment/vote, and all that snazzy junk, I would really appreciate it. Thank you for considering this story!



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