Chapter Twenty **last chapter**

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Chapter Twenty

The cameras were on set, ready to roll while the television show host, Lanie, was powdering her nose in one of the nearby bathrooms. However,backstage Niall, Allie and Louise –along with the rest of the One Direction band members– were all questioning their actions. Could they actually be brave enough to stand in front of a crowd and thousands, maybe millions, of TV show watchers?

There was a lot of people who were going to watch the show. That meant people were going to read Niall’s and Allie’s actions, and what they say. They were going to pay close attention, especially since it’s One Direction as well as Allie and Louise.

“I’m not sure I can do this,” Allie muttered to Niall once she pulled him aside.

Niall immediately lifted her chin with his index finger, forcing her to look at his baby blue, sparkling eyes. Allie looked up at him, fear dancing in her eyes while her body slightly shook. She was about to go on a set in front of thousands, no millions of people to confess that yes, she was Niall’s official girlfriend, and no, Louise was not their baby. Louise was only Allie’s baby sister, and nothing more.

“Babe, you can do it,” Niall whispered to her quietly, “You I know you can. We’ve been waiting for this interview for weeks. It’ll stop the rumors, and the hate if you just trust me.”

Allie’s eyes fluttered shut as she leaned into her boyfriend’s chest, depending on Niall to hold her up. She felt Niall’s arms wrap around her waist as she rested her own hands on his hips.

“I love you,” Allie muttered quietly. “I love you so, so much, Nialler.”

“As I love you,” Niall pressed his lips against her temple and pulled away from her, his hands now on her shoulders. “You can do it, babe. I believe in you.”

Even though the butterflies were still strong in Allie’s stomach, she felt herself calm down a little by her boyfriend’s touch. Her eyes raked the backstage area, trying to find her little sister. When she found her, she couldn’t help but let a grin appear on her face.

Louise was perched atop of Harry’s shoulders. Her chubby little fingers were tangled in Harry’s hair as he twirled around. Squeals and laughter erupted from Louise’s mouth causing multiple pairs of eyes to glance around for the source. Multiple grins appeared on their faces as they saw Harry playing around with Louise.

“Harry put her down!” we heard one of the hair dressers yell out, “She’s ruining your damn hair.”

Harry chuckled as he set down Louise, who simply giggled and told the hair stylist, “No, I made it pretty!”

The hair stylist shook her head, and forced Harry back into one of the dressing rooms so she could fix his hair. Allie  laughed as Louise came up to Niall and herself.

“Now I’m bored,” she complained, “I can’t play with Harry now.”

Niall bent down to Louise’s height and grinned at her. It was the same grin he provided her every day since the night he found out Louise was staying permanently with them. Niall was over-ecstatic, and surprisingly, didn’t mind that he was a big part of Louise’s life. He seemed overjoyed to be around her.

With that in Allie’s mind, it made her love him even more.

“Are you forgetting about me?” Niall cried out, “What about all those fun times at home? How do they compete with Harry?”

Now, everyone was watching the squabble between Niall and Louise, amused expressions growing on their faces. The two, besides Louise and Harry, were quite a pair together. Allie really hoped Niall and her stayed together, because if either of the two leave the relationship, Louise is going to have a messed up life.

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