Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11

September 13th

“Has he asked you out yet?” Christina asked me, begging to know with her big brown eyes.

I shook my head, no. “We just kiss a lot,” I answered her. “We hang out a lot. We kiss almost everyday.  He even brought me flowers the other day for no reason.”

For the past couple days, I’ve spent it with Niall (as usual). We watched movies, hung out, and just kissed... a lot. Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with Niall, it’s just... I wish he could man up and just ask me to be his girlfriend. We’d already admitted to liking each other, and wanting to be with each other for a long period of time. I just don’t know when Niall was going to do it.

“Well, do you want him to?” Christina pressed on.

I gave her a look, one that told her she gave me an obvious answer. “Of course I do, Chrissy. I mean, he’s a sweet lad and he’s nice to me. I like him. What’s not to like about Niall?”

“From what you tell me, Allie, quite a lot,” Christina laughed lightly.

I blushed a deep rose red color, and ducked my head to hide it. I heard Christina laugh again and ask where Niall was. I shrugged. “I guess he has some interview in Brentwood, a neighboring city near London. I really don’t know much about it. I just didn’t feel right sitting at his house alone, you know?”

“Still feeling like a stranger in his house?”

I nodded my head.

Christina looked as if she was about to say something when my phone buzzed on the table. A grin started to spread across her face, as if she already knew who it was. There was only two reasons my phone buzzed. A) It was Niall texting or calling me, or B) It was Christina texting or calling me. For the main part, it was Niall.

I grabbed it, checking if it was indeed Niall. Feeling my heart sore and seeing the smile on my face was the only thing Christina needed as an answer.

[Niall; hey lovely.. why aren’t you here? :( i was gonna surprise you when i got home..]

My fingers flew across the keypad on my cell phone, not pausing a single second.

[Me; aww, i’m sorry nialler!! i was just visiting with christina.. i can come home now??]

It didn’t take long for Niall to send me a text back.

[Nialler; sure:) but there’s a note on the coffee table. make sure you read it!!]

After sending Niall a response back, I shoved my phone in my pocket and stood up from my spot at the table.

“Well, I best be going. Niall wants me to come home, I guess,” I explained.

Christina yelled some type of goodbye as I stood up and left the orphanage. My thoughts turned to Britta, and I frowned. I wasn’t able to bring Britta to Niall’s flat. It wasn’t the fact that they didn’t allow pets; they did. I wasn’t able to keep Britta since I wasn’t deaf anymore. They took Britta to a new hearing impaired person. And I missed having Britta greet me when I got home, or waking me up with her kisses. I missed having Britta by my  side. She didn’t feel like a guide dog - she felt like a real pet to me, a real friend.

It took me awhile to get home and walk throughout the traffic. People didn’t seem to be very aware of pedestrians. I almost got hit four different times, and one of them, I could almost swear they did it on purpose I watched them drive away in anger. ;

When I walked through the flat, I tried calling Niall’s name, but he didn’t answer to anything. Not even his old nickname, “little leprechaun” didn’t work. Suddenly, I remembered his text before I left Christina’s place. I walked over towards the coffee table just as he instructed only to see a brightly colored neon nerf gun with a note.

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