Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

September 4th

Today, I’ve walked Britta to the local park, and I’d played with her there for a couple hours. I’d stopped at a local McDonald’s and had lunch all by myself. I played with my phone for an hour before I left the fast food restaurant and headed towards the store to buy Britta some food. After that, Britta and I went on a short walk before heading home.

At home, I’d managed to clean the whole house from top to bottom, and corner to corner. Not a single dirty spot was missed. Everything had been turned inside out and organized. After that, I had checked my phone. Niall hadn’t sent me anything, so I decided to turn on Netflix and watch Supernatural. After a couple episodes, Niall still hadn’t sent me anything, so I decided to go across the street to get some coffee from Starbucks.

I was starting to get a little peeved about this. I don’t know what I had done to manage to piss off Niall, but couldn’t he have talked to me about it instead of ignoring me? I mean, even if Niall is ignoring me, it’s a little irrational. He should talk to me, tell me what I was doing wrong so I could learn not to do it. He’s just being a little silly, that’s all, I told myself.

I quickly sent a text to Niall, seeing if he would reply to me, but after about another hour of waiting I decided that he wasn’t going to text me back. I let out a sigh at looked at Britta longingly. “Well, Britta. I think I’m just a bag of poo. You think I’m a bag of poo?”

As an answer, Britta barked at me with her tongue hanging out. I laughed at her, rubbing the spot in between her ears and on top of her head. She approved by licking the uppermost part of my wrist. I rubbed her ears, and suddenly stood up from my spot. I dug my feet into my red pair of TOMS and grabbed my wallet before leaving my place.

My feet scuffed against the ground as I continued to walk down the street. My mind began reeling towards Niall again. This has never happened between us. Niall had never decided to randomly ignore me for some weird reason. In fact, Niall had never ignored me while we were friends. He was always there. He’d always made time out of his day to talk to me in some way. I wasn’t used to this “Hey-lets-ignore-Allie” thing, or whatever it was. It was different and I hated it.

I had crossed the street safely and quickly with my hands tucked inside my coat pockets all nice and warm as my mind had reeled back to Niall. I don’t understand what’s going through that full Irish mind of his, but I would really like to know. Sometimes, I just don’t understand boys sometimes. They make you think one thing and then they turn around and do the complete opposite. They make your heads spin so fast that when you compare a swivel chair to them, it’s a snail. I just find it ridiculous and unnecessary with those mixed signals. It gets girls confused, somewhat lost and disoriented. It’s just not fair.

I stepped into the starbucks, and unbuttoned my coat a little to welcome in the warmth of the coffee shop. I smiled at one of the coworkers who knew me, and waved to her. She waved me over to the counter.

“One french vanilla please,” I told her.

Somehow with the ‘Stacy’ news running around, the news that I got my hearing back got around as well.. Everybody seemed to be ecstatic about that part of the news, but not the other. At least there was some good news running around about me. It couldn’t have been all bad. Thank goodness.

I stood aside and let the next person order as soon as I had paid for my french vanilla coffee. I waited in silence as the Starbucks workers began working on my coffee. I knew for a fact that these workers adored me. They loved having me around. Once or twice, I had stayed after for a bit until closing to keep the workers company. They didn’t think a deaf girl could be so much fun, especially with charades.

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