Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Niall asked me slowly, probably for confirmation. "So, you honestly think that Judy is up to no good?"

I nodded my head quickly. "Yeah! I mean, the way she just shoved Louis in my direction and left without another word is suspicious enough, let alone that she actually left Louise in our care for the week," I took a deep breath, and ran my hand through my hair. "I don't know, Niall, I just have the feeling that something isn't right with this."

I felt Niall's hand on my back, soothing me quietly as I slumped over. Louise was taking her afternoon nap, so I took the time to talk to Niall about my thoughts on Judy and Joe. Granted, I could tell he wasn't happy about them, but he did take the time to listen to me.

"I know, Allie," Niall whispered, "But maybe Judy probably just got sick of Louise, you know? Sometimes, children can be a handful at times. Maybe Judy and Joe needed a break."

Tears formed in my eyes. Niall didn't understand, did he? I removed my hands from my face and sat up straight, turning my body to face Niall. "No, Niall," I croaked out, "You don't realize how lucky I was to even have Louise for the afternoon the day you met her. Judy hated the fact that I wanted to be in my sister's life, and by all means, she prevented that from happening. This is the most I've ever seen my sister. Before you, I've rarely seen her, probably a couple of times and that's it.

"She's the last thing I have that still links her and I to our parents. If I lose her, I lose everything that my parents loved, and I don't want that to happen. It's still a miracle that Louise still has her name," I chuckled as a few stray tears felll from my cheeks, "My brother, mom and my dad all had a part in choosing her name, Louise Vienna Marie Blackwill. I just... I don't want to lose my sister, Niall."

Niall pulled me into his chest as the tears kept falling from my eyes, and the sobs started shaking my body. His hand lingered on my lower back as he held me to his chest, rocking me back and forth slightly like a baby. I held onto his shirt as if it were my lifeline as I cried, and cried into his chest.

If I lost Louise, I didn't know what I would do with myself.

*** A week later  ***

This past week was unforgettable, even though Niall was gone half of the time for work related things. Louise and I spent a lot of time together. We did our nails together, and she played with my hair countless times. We played dress up together, and I took her shopping a few times. Louise and I seemed to have bonded a lot with this past week, and I couldn't be happier about it.

Louise and I felt like real sisters, even though she was only five years old. I would do anything for her, whether she knew it or not. She was the only family I had left, and I intended to keep it that way.

Since we were running errands left and right and seemed to be all over London and a few neighboring cities yesterday, I thought today Louise and I would lounge around in our pajamas, and eat nothing but junk food. 

"Let's watch Tom and Jerry," I decided as I came back into the living room with a bowl full of Cheetos, "unless you want to watch something else."

Louise shook her head quickly, "No! Tom and Jerry!"

I laughed, and pulled Louise against me as I sat down on the couch. I reached for the remote, and changed the channel to one of the many kid channels. Like I predicted, Tom and Jerry was on for a few hours. Selecting the classic kid TV show, I relaxed into the couch with Louise cuddling into my side.

For the next half hour, I smiled every time Louise giggled at the somewhat violent television show. The smile never left her face, making her heart-shaped face glow. Whenever she smiled, she reminded me of Mom when she smiled. It lifted up my heart and made me smile myself. Mom had the same effect on everyone. If she was smiling, so was everyone else. My mom was a people person, and could easily make them laugh.

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