Whats done is done

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The jump is closer and I take a deep breath while counting the strides. no going back. I go into two point position and Rebels weight lifts off the ground. I grip his mane more than necessary. then I hear the pounding if his hooves on the ground and I go a lap before stopping him. I did it I did it I did it! I hop of Rebel and hug his neck and a tear of happiness streams down my cheek. Rebel snorts. I laugh into his mane. I did it. butterflies flutter around in my stomach. I pull away from Rebel and hook his reins around my arm. I turn him towards the exit, still smiling and stop when clapping erupts. Daniel, Sarah, Samantha, and my mom are all sitting on the fence clapping. my smile gets bigger until It feels like I'm stuck smiling
"Y-you guys-" tears fill my eyes as I tie Rebel to the gate and everyone hugs me and tells me what an awesome job I did. I just need to get to verticals, and Olympics here I come. this is by far, the best day of my life.

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