The Night's Tangled Threads

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Sunday, June 118:53 pm

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Sunday, June 11
8:53 pm


Stop spamming me Lil folks

nigga.. this my phone hoe!
if i wanna spam you with gifs ima do dat!

You tryna get blocked?

Den be cool lil girl 😂
Hurry up and get over here I'm bored den a bitch

ight lil folks i'm otw
Delivered 8:54 pm

"Where were you about to go after you drop me off?" Neissa asked Polo, her gaze shifting from her text messages to him, curiosity etched across her face. She genuinely wanted to know if he'd be busy or not, as if he didn't have anything to do, then he could stay with her at Lukas' house—she knew her brother wouldn't mind.

Or at least that's what she thought.

Her attention went right back to her phone once she felt it vibrating,


Niggas wanna be King Von so bad 😮‍💨

who's King Von?
Read 8:55 pm

Neissa let out a snort, sticking her phone in the waistband of her shorts, and fixed her gaze on Polo. "Boy, you better answer my question," she threatened, furrowing her brows in fake frustration. "The audacity of him to ignore me, Big Dawg Angel." She thought.

Niggas must be outta their minds...

"I seen you was on yo phone, so I just let you be, ma. You wasn't gon pay attention no way," Polo spoke, taking his hand off the wheel and leaning back a bit.

She smacked her lips and waved him off, although he was telling the truth.

After some fun at his place, they watched movies, had snacks, and eventually drifted off to sleep. Jada's call abruptly woke them, urging quick readiness. Neissa hurriedly got up, needing to shower and put on the clothes and panties she had left behind during her previous visit to Tremani's house that he'd already washed and folded up for her.

A little something she called, 'booty call clothes'.

As Neissa and Tremani headed to her brother's house, an air of anticipation surrounded them. Neissa pondered the purpose of the gathering, considering the possibility of it being more than just updates on the boys' rap careers, managed by Xander and Lukas. A sense of gravity hung in the air, and Neissa couldn't shake the feeling that it might be more serious than initial impressions.

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