Unorganised Beach Day

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SAME DAY1:24 pm

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1:24 pm

Walking into the grocery store, Neissa sighed in relief, reflecting on the smooth conversation she had with Dior. They had moved on from the past, finally clearing the air about their relationship. Now, Neissa's focus shifted to God, her family, and her business. Lukas had arranged a meeting with the famous hairstylist, Tae, who would provide guidance and assistance on navigating their business endeavors. Despite offers from Lukas and Xander to purchase the girls their own businesses and equipment, they all declined.

They wanted to start from scratch, make memories, and learn from their mistakes along the way.

Neissa groaned upon hearing Xander and Jigga mumbling behind her, "She know damn well what she doing, coming in the sto' with all ha' ass out, shitten me." She rolled her eyes slightly looking down at her appearance she had a brown cover up on over her body but that seems to not be enough for them, "All struttin'and shit," Xander murmured.

Neissa chuckled before turning around to face them, her abrupt halt causing the trio to slam into each other and tumble to the floor of the tiny store. "Oh my gosh, ya'll niggas play too much, get off me!" she yelled, pushing them away and managing to stand with the help of a nearby man. The two men also got to their feet, sheepishly looking away from her. "Get ya'll behinds in the car," she gritted through her teeth in a motherly manner. They sucked their teeth and walked out of the store to the car.

She then turned to a seemingly 6-foot-tall light-skinned man with a Hispanic appearance. He sported five teardrop tattoos by his eye, a bald head, tattoos covering his body, and dressed in a white tee and baggy jeans paired with white Nike shoes.

Neissa closed her mouth, not even realizing it had been open as she stared at the man in awe. She had never seen someone like him her entire life, only in the movies. "Um, thank you so much for helping me, sir. My brothers can be idiots," she uttered, extending her hand to shake his. He took her hand in his, staring back at her with admiration. "Yeah, no problem, I get that mija. My brothers can be assholes too," he spoke with a heavy accent, causing Neissa's mind to explode.

So he got the accent and everything too? I wonder if he would say something for me..

The man chuckled, "My name is Jesús, I own this little store," he introduced, looking around the store. "I'm Neissa, a little sister but more like a mother figure," she jestingly said, causing the man to laugh while rubbing the fine hairs on his chin. "Beautiful name, Neissa. You okay there? Look like you got something you wanna say," he said, already having an idea of what she might ask. There were many tourists who would ask him the same couple of questions like 'is your nickname spooky?' or 'are you in a gang?' and so on.

Neissa licked her lips and grinned shyly, "Can you say 'ese'?" she asked softly, and the man laughed out loud, slapping his hand on his knee. "Damn, I ain't heard that one in a minute," he chortled. Neissa giggled, reaching into her purse to grab her phone, "Wait, can I record us as you say it?" she asked, feeling like a fangirl. The man hesitated, staring at her as she unlocked her phone. He was about to say no because he didn't want to put himself on the spot; doing this could start an entire situation that is in the dark and would wreak havoc if brought into the light. However, staring at her beautiful, innocent face, he could and would never say no to her.

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