Pranking Perspectives pt2

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Bryson (NLE Choppa) brought grandbabii on stage, did y'all see that?

I damn near cried 🥹

Check in>


Oh my gosh, I need to pee. Neissa nervously thought to herself.

Keissa unlocked and opened the door, her eyes widening in surprise as she gasped. Standing there with a bright smile and a bouquet of roses was Polo.

"Where Neissa at?" he asked, his voice warm and expectant.

Just kidding

Oh my gosh, I need to pee. Neissa nervously thought to herself.

Keissa unlocked and opened the door, a sympathetic smile playing on her lips as Von stood there with his phone and keys in his hand, sporting a deep frown on his face. "Hey, Von," she greeted softly, gesturing for him to come inside. "She in the living room," Keissa added, her voice gentle yet tinged with concern.

Von stepped inside without a word, his brows furrowed in obvious irritation. He glanced around briefly, his eyes settling on Neissa who sat on the couch, tissues in hand, surrounded by a carefully staged scene of apparent distress. His expression softened slightly as he took in the sight of her.

Neissa looked up, tears glistening in her eyes as she tried to compose herself. "Hey..." she greeted, her voice wavering with emotion. She wanted to tell him how effortlessly handsome he looked, but the intensity of the moment held her words back. Her mind was torn between the raw vulnerability she felt and the rehearsed lines she had planned to deliver.

It wasn't easy, though, with Von standing there looking effortlessly handsome. He was dressed in Amiri jeans and a black tee, his heavy chains gleaming around his neck. On his feet, he wore a pair of fresh black Jordans, adding to his sharp look. His dreads were out, hanging loosely around his face, framing his intense gaze. The combination made it difficult for Neissa to focus on anything other than how fine he looked.

Damn... why does he always have to look this good?

Keissa closed the door behind him, silently observing as Von hesitated, torn between annoyance and genuine concern for Neissa.

She wanted to laugh so badly.

Von glanced around the room once again, taking in the scene of distress—the tissues strewn about, the soft music playing in the background, and Neissa, huddled on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, looking as if the weight of the world rested on her.

"What you on, lil folks?" Von's voice broke the uneasy silence, his tone full of genuine concern as he walked over to her, taking a seat besides her.

Neissa lifted her eyes to meet his, her gaze a blend of sorrow and desperation. "It's my boyfriend, Von," she began, her voice trembling with emotion. "He... he cheated on me multiple times. I caught the nigga talking to hella broads right in front of me, making me feel invisible. And the worst part, he slut-shamed me, making me feel like I'm worthless," she confessed, her voice cracking under the weight of the memories.

"But I love him so much..." she trailed off, the words almost a whisper, as if admitting it out loud made the pain more real.

Von listened in silence, his jaw clenching with each revelation. The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, and he struggled to keep his composure. He felt a surge of anger on her behalf and a deep sympathy for her pain. He wanted to reach out, to pull her into a comforting embrace, but a swirl of confusion and irritation clouded his thoughts.

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