Conversations & Confrontations

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This might be the last chapter for a lil while. But then I be saying that to write and upload another one the next day 😭

Check in>


9:59 am

The girls were all huddled together in the living room of the Cartiers' new family home, eagerly awaiting breakfast as the smell of something delicious wafted from the kitchen. Neissa and Jada moved deftly around the kitchen, preparing their meal with practiced ease, while music played softly in the background. The others chatted and laughed in anticipation, the lively tunes adding to the cozy morning atmosphere.

Jada was in charge of the meats, expertly cooking the bacon, sausages, and salami to perfection. Neissa focused on the carbs, whipping up fluffy scrambled eggs, golden waffles, stacks of pancakes, and perfectly crisp French toast.

And a lot of it too.

People were often shocked at how the group of girls could always stuff their faces, they could really eat.

Especially Keissa.

"Can y'all hurry up? The smell of the food is making my stomach talk back to me," Keissa complained, rubbing her belly.

Asia rolled her eyes at Keissa's dramatics while Vanessa, laughing, agreed with her, "For real, I'm about to pass out from hunger."

Keissa glared playfully at Asia and muttered, "Fuck you looking at."

"Bitch, eat dick," Asia shot back.

Vanessa stood up and reached her hand out to Keissa. "Come on, let's dance the hunger away," she suggested, moving her hips to the beat of the R&B mix playing on the TV.

Keissa grinned and took Vanessa's hand, swaying to the rhythm. "Aight, let's do it," she said, joining her in a little impromptu dance session. Their laughter and moves lightened the atmosphere even more, filling the room with warmth and joy.

As Neissa and Jada worked in the kitchen, they couldn't help but smile at the sight of their friends dancing and laughing. "Yeah, y'all dance that off," Neissa called out, flipping the last piece of French toast onto a plate. "I'm bout to be done with the French toast, then we can eat."

Turning to Jada, she bumped her hips into her playfully. "How's Grammy Mace?" Neissa asked, referring to Jada's grandmother.

Jada rolled her eyes with a chuckle. "She's such a brat," she replied, imitating her grandmother's grumpy voice. "'I'm so glad you got your own place now, so you ain't all up in my business when my man friend comes over.'"

Neissa burst out laughing. "That sounds exactly like her! Her fast behind!" she giggled.

Jada nodded, smiling as she placed the salami onto a glass plate. "Yeah, our relationship's a lot better now. She's so proud that I got my own spot. It's crazy how much changes once you start living on your own."

Neissa grinned back, agreeing. "I'm so happy for you—and for all of us. Asia and Keem finally got their own place, and Vanessa's secret nigga bought her a frickin' house!" She raised an eyebrow, sharing a laugh with Jada. "And me and Keissa are so grateful for this house, but we're ready to start looking for our own place too."

Jada nodded, understanding. "I feel you on that. It's part of growing up, wanting your own space and building your life. Ain't nothing wrong with that."

Neissa's eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh, and we found this dope building in the city! Y'all gotta come check it out with me. It's perfect for what we need to expand and grow. I think y'all gonna love it."

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