Morning Bliss

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Morning Bliss: Neissa's Perfect Start to a Joyful Day

8:12 am

Neissa woke up to the soft light filtering through her curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. She felt a comforting weight next to her and turned to see Von, still asleep, his chest rising and falling steadily.

She took a moment to appreciate the tranquility of the morning, saying a silent prayer, a smile creeping onto her face as she remembered the unexpected events of the night before.

Von had stayed over, and despite the lingering complications in her life, his presence brought her a sense of calm she hadn't felt in a long time.

Von stirred and slowly opened his eyes, meeting Neissa's gaze with a sleepy grin. "Why you up lookin' at me, lil girl?"

Neissa laughed and rolled her eyes, "You can't say good morning first?" she teased.

"Good mornin'," he murmured, his voice husky with sleep. He reached out and gently pulled her closer, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.

"Morning, that's better," Neissa replied, snuggling into him. The warmth of his embrace was too comforting.

After a few moments, Von propped himself up on one elbow and looked at Neissa with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "You want a massage lil folks? You look like you need it," he suggested.

Neissa's eyes widened in delight. "You serious?" she asked, barely able to contain her excitement.

"Anything fa you," Von replied, his voice full of sincerity.

"Can I go brush my teeth first?" She chuckled looking up at him.

"Man, come on, yo breath don't stink," Von smacked his lips, "Lemme smell yo mouth den," he suggested, bringing his hand to her chin and Neissa instantly shook her head no, "Nevermind!"

"Aight stinky, come on," he teased causing her to roll her eyes.

As Neissa rolled over onto her stomach, she winced slightly, feeling a sharp twinge in her shoulder. She realized that she had woken up with the discomfort, likely from the way she and Von had slept tangled together all night. She instinctively reached to rub her shoulder, hoping to ease the tension.

Von noticed her discomfort immediately. "What happened? You good?" he asked softly, his concern evident.

Neissa nodded, giving him a reassuring smile despite the tightness. "Yeah, I think I just slept on it wrong," she admitted, trying to stretch out the stiffness.

"Let me take care ah that fa you," he said gently, his voice soft and comforting.

Neissa settled into the pillows as Von's hands began to work their magic. His fingers pressed firmly into her tight muscles, moving in slow, deliberate circles that sent waves of relief through her body. He focused on the knots in her shoulders, his touch both strong and tender, expertly coaxing the tension away. With each careful press, her muscles began to loosen, the stress melting under his skilled hands.

A sigh of contentment escaped Neissa's lips as Von's touch traveled down her back, his fingers tracing the contours of her spine with a mix of firmness and gentleness. He kneaded her lower back, his thumbs applying just the right amount of pressure, eliciting a soft moan from her. The sensation was intoxicating.

Shit.. what is he doing to me?

As Von's hands continued their soothing work, Neissa felt a growing heat that wasn't just from the massage.

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