Unexpected Prayers

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"Get your hands off of me, because you know I'll hit you, Lukas," Angel utters through gritted teeth

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"Get your hands off of me, because you know I'll hit you, Lukas," Angel utters through gritted teeth. Lukas had pulled her into a corner to have a private conversation, genuinely concerned about his sister and particularly worried about her love life.

Lukas, who is  fiercely protective of his younger sisters, couldn't stand the thought of anyone disrespecting them. He wanted to ensure that they upheld the values instilled in them since childhood, even though he and Neissa had always had an aggressive relationship.

"I just want to know what she meant. Do you have a boyfriend or something?" Lukas inquirs, a distasteful look on his face. Neissa rolls her eyes, running her hand over her face. To say she was frustrated would be an understatement.

"There's just this one person I talk to, and we're not serious yet, but he's a good man-"

"Fuck that!" Lukas spat, cutting his sister off. Neissa raises her brows in shock and glances behind him, realizing that all eyes were now on them. "Hermano, ven aquí. Necesito tu ayuda," she said to Xander, signaling him to come with them and mediate.

Whenever she and Lukas were at odds, Xander was the only one who could keep up with them, being the family member with the best ability to navigate their intense conflicts.

Lukas rolls his eyes and shakes his head. Although he was irritated at the moment, he knew that having Xander mediate between them was the best course of action, so he complied.

Xander nods his head and the trio walks upstairs and into Lukas' office.

The air in Lukas's office crackles with tension as they settle into a conversation that felt more like a storm than a discussion. Lukas' jaw clenches and concern etches on his face, he leans forward with a furrowed brow.

"Angel, I just need to understand. This nigga you talking to, fuck is his intentions? And how you know he not just playing wit you?" Lukas's tone reflected a sense of responsibility, a need to guide and shield his little sister.

Neissa, annoyed and frustrated, leans back in her chair. Her eyes glinted with exhaustion. "Lukas, I'm not a child. I can handle my own life. He's not just 'some nigga.' We're taking it slow, and he's a good person. He respects me, cares for me and he really likes me."

The room now became an arena for their conflicting perspectives. "Nigga- he likes you? You gotta be smarter than that Neissa," he says scrunching his face up at her. Xander sighs scratching his scalp. "I don't think you needa be talking to niggas."

"You can't control everything, Lukas! I need space to figure things out for myself," Neissa exclaimed. Lukas's words touched a nerve, stirring emotions she tried to keep hidden.

Lukas, refusing to back down, responded with a stern intensity. "I'm not trying to control you, lil girl. I just want what's best for you. You are my fucking sister, and I won't just sit and stare if I think you making a mistake."

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