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It was 1:57 in the morning, and Neissa lay awake in her bed at her mother's house

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It was 1:57 in the morning, and Neissa lay awake in her bed at her mother's house. Her cousin and younger sister were nestled beside her, sleeping soundly. Neissa's mind, however, was far from peaceful. She was consumed with thoughts about her unemployment and the frustrating sense of being 'broke'. Despite her brothers generously showering her with money whenever she was around them, Neissa thrived on independence. She found a deeper satisfaction in achieving things on her own and took pride in her self-sufficiency.

Neissa was always grateful for the support from her brothers and anyone who helped her out when she needed it. But her ultimate goal was to be so successful that she wouldn't have to rely on anyone. She dreamed of a day when she could return the favor and take care of everyone who had ever cared about her enough to assist her.

She sighed, sliding her hand under her pillow to retrieve her phone. Unlocking it, she went to her recent conversation with Polo. She bit her lip, hesitating. Should I text him? They had already talked earlier in the day, and she didn't want to come off as too eager or clingy. Deciding against it, she slid her phone back under her pillow and sighed again, gazing up at the pink and yellow painted ceiling.

Her thoughts drifted to the colorful ceiling, a testament to her sister Naija and cousin Aribella's creativity. Because none of the kids in the house had their own rooms, they often begged those who did to at least let them paint the walls their favorite colors. Neissa had let Naija and Aribella have free rein over her room, and they had chosen to tackle the ceiling as a challenge. She chuckled softly at the memory, their laughter and excitement still vivid in her mind.

Turning her head slightly, she glanced at her sister on her left, then at Aribella on her right. A tender smile spread across her face as she watched them sleep, looking so peaceful and innocent. She felt a wave of love and protectiveness wash over her. Looking back up at the ceiling, she closed her eyes and began to pray.

"Dear Heavenly Father, I come before You tonight to thank You, Lord. I'm so grateful for my life, my family, my friends, and I thank You for keeping us protected. I thank You for Your guidance and Your presence, Lord. And Father, I ask that You forgive me for my sins, my wrongdoings, and I ask that You give me the strength to overcome them, Lord. In Jesus' name I pray, amen."

Just as she finished her prayer, her phone began to ring. She retrieved it quickly and answered without checking the caller ID, her curiosity piqued and her heart racing slightly.

"Hello?" She spoke into the phone.

"You answered fast as hell on folksnem," Von's voice naturally boomed through the phone causing Neissa's heart to drop. She wasn't expecting a call this late at night and especially from Von, "You thea' Neissa?" Him saying her name had her stomach feeling warm and tingly, she wondered if these were butterflies or cockroaches.

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