Crossroads of the Heart

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This is the 15th chapter already, that's crazy. Thanks to all of y'all who reads and comment on this book, highly appreciated 🫶🏽

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Monday Mount Sinai Morningside Hospital 📍12:36 pm

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Mount Sinai Morningside Hospital 📍
12:36 pm

The sounds of machines beeping filled the room as Keissa wearily turned to look at her sister. It was heartbreaking to see Neissa lying there, connected to monitors, almost lifeless. Her condition had cast a pall of sadness over everyone who knew her.

Keissa wasn't surprised when Polo and Von came to visit, but she silently hoped they hadn't coincidentally chosen the same time. She knew Neissa had developed feelings for Von during her situationship with Polo.

In the corner of the room, the space was transformed by thoughtful gestures from peers and loved ones. Bouquets of vibrant flowers, carefully arranged by friends and relatives, adorned the bedside table and windowsill. Their colors, a symphony of blues, pinks, and yellows.

The scent of vanilla and lavender from her mother's candles mingled in the air, creating a soothing atmosphere amidst the beeps and whirrs of medical equipment.

On the bedside table, amidst the flowers and candle, rested a single framed photograph. It captured a moment of joy between Neissa and her grandmother, their smiles bright and genuine. The picture was a testament to the love and strength passed down through generations, a reminder of happier times and cherished memories.

Hearing the door open, Keissa turned back her head and watched as Durk entered the room with two big bags of food in his hand and a small smile on his face. "What chu' on lil girl?" He greeted her placing the bags on her lap, she slightly winces at the sudden heat from the bag but nevertheless she dug through it looking for her box of fried chicken from Harold's Chicken Shack.

She thought they were the best.

"I'm good, and thank you for the food I haven't eaten properly since.." she trailed off feeling a wave of emotions come over her. "I know, how you feelin' though?" He asked genuinely concerned.

Keissa shrugged taking her box out of the bag and placing it on her lap, "Like shit, I need to go wash my ass I been here since 7:30 in the morning." She grumbled causing Durk to laugh at her, "Whea yo mama at? She good?"

"She's okay, very heartbroken but once she sees Neissa awake and well she'll be back to herself in no time." She moaned as she took a bite of the flavorful chicken and all of the juices dancing on her tastebuds, "Aight shordy, slow down." Durk chuckled.

"What? Harold's Chicken Shack is soo good!"

"Yeah, but the one in Chicago taste way betta, I gotta bring you out thea'."

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