Chapter 4

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Yn and yoongi both are at their work place

Yn was dealing with a prisoner.


Yn - so tell me did you kill him?

Prisoner - (silent)

Yn - I will again ask do you know about this murder or not

Prisoner - doing some action ( act like a mad person so that she will leave him.)

Yn huffed and call miss rohi

Prisoner got happy

Yn - plz bring that.

After some movement she come back with a long thin cane.
And give it to yn

Yn - so Mr. What do you think I will believe your act huh (louder) DO I AM LOOK LIKE A MAD WHO Will BELIEVE YOUR TRICKS AND LIE....

Prisoner got flinched

Yn -  so you are going to tell me Or Not...

Prisoner - (silent)

Yn - see I am asking calmly. Did you kill him

Prisoner -(silent)

Yn - ok then I have no option left

She hit her stick on him he scream in pain but didn't said any thing . Which triggered yn more .

Mrs. Suzanne come while running salute to her

Yn remove her cap gun and stick handed to Mrs. Suzanne 

Yn- hold it.

Yn remove her belt now and start beating the prisoner. He is screaming in pain .

Prisoner- yes yes I kill him . I kill my nephew. (Painful voice)

Yn - WHY?

Prisoner - because I want all property. I want everything for me.. (Scream in anger)
She once again hit on him and he scream in pain


Yn get out from cell 

Prisoner got faint because of pain.

Yn walked towards her seniors cabin

Yn - may I come in sir.

Yg - come in

Yn - sir he confessed

Yg - good

Yg call one of his officer tell him to take him to court for hearing .
Yn give him a pendrive to him and said

Yn - here is his confession

Officer salute and move towards the door

Yg - yn lets go now we are getting late

Yn- yes lets go or our mom will eat us

Yg - raw

Both of them laughed


Taehyung POV

Here I am working in my office jungkook in setting on my front desk and Alice is sitting on side desk of jungkook .
Me and jungkook are going through some file.
And Alice is checking emails
Suddenly my phone starts ringing
I check the caller ID it was mom
I pick it up

Taehyung - hello mom

Mrs. Kim - hello do you remember about meeting right.

Taehyung - ooo shoot I forgot about that thank god mom called me ( in mind)

Mrs. Kim - hello where are you ?

Taehyung - ahhh mmm... Mmmom I...... I remember hehehe

Mrs. Kim - I know you remember don't forget who am I to you.

Taehyung (glup)

Mrs. Kim - forgot this now come to home fast....

Taehyung - okay

Cut the call

Taehyung - Alice jungkook let's go..

Jk - oow yes we are going to watch hyung's future wife (teasing smile)

Alice- yes I am so excited let's go.

Taehyung- why she is so much exited 😒 I am going to see my future wife not her.

Jungkook laughed and grab his hands and pull him towards parking area

After sometime

Trio reached to their home now.

Mrs. Kim - ohh you guys come get ready fast..

Trio - ok

After some time they reached at the restaurant.


On the other hand yoongi and yn reached at home
They both got ready. And come down stairs.
Yn was wearing a levender color pants and white shirt.
Her hair was open her bangs swinging on her forehead.

Yg- awwww my sister is looking beautiful... (Said while Smiling)

Yn- thanku oppa (smile)

Mr. Min and Mrs. Min smile and said

Mr. Min - okay let's go now..

After sometime

They reached at restaurant

Yn and yg is walking behind their parents.

Mr. Min saw his friend...

Mr. Min -  heyyyyy Kim.....

Kim saw him run towards his friend and hug him tightly.  Like they are meeting eachother after so many and of course they are . As they can not able to meet eachother because of busy schedule..
They pullout from hug... - hey long time no see huh

On the other hand Mrs min and Mrs Kim hug eachother

Mrs. Kim - it's really nice to see you after so many times . You know I really miss you and your talk I miss ever time that we spend together... (Fake cry)

Mrs. Min - awww me too I really miss you.(fake cry)

While their childrens were adoring them while smiling..
That's how taehyung eye met with yn
Then he felt a spark in his heart it's like he fell in love with her at first sight.

Seeing her smile his smile got more wide....

Taehyung - I think I fell in love with her (in mind)

Like this yn eyes also met with taehyungs  eyes but she immediately broke eye contact with him...

Yn - why he is starting at me like this. Did something happen on my face.. (In mind)

Taehyung - hmmm shy totally my type😏(in mind)

To be continue....

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