Chapter 6

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Yn - yoongi oppa Black diamond send me a msg again in which they said they are going to do something but they didn't tell me.

Hearing this yoongi eye went wide.

Yn - they really got guts. They have this much courage that they are openly starts challenging me... I will not leave them.

She punch nearest wall

Yoongi - seriously they getting in my nerves. (Angrily)

Yn - don't worry oppa I have a plan... (Smirk)

Yoongi - I know your plan never failed (smirk)

After that they went back to their seat

Mr.min - yn yoongi where were you.

Yn - nothing dad actually yoongi oppa and me went to check our car.

Mr. Min nodded

Mr. Min - ok then Kim see you soon.

Mr. Kim - yes now we got reason to see eachother again and again. ( smile)

Alice - unnie you remember our sunday plan right

Yn- yes

Alice - so can we exchange our number I will inform you about time and all..

Yn- sure here is my number

They all went towards their car . They all settle down in their car. That's when yn eye met with taehyung's eyes.
He wink at her and send a flying kiss seeing this yn's eyes went wide the taehyung waved his hand
Yn smile and waved her hands too.
They set in car and moved from there.

In car
Yn and yoongi both were thinking about the massage.

On the otherhand

Jungkook and Alice were teasing their brother.

Jungkook - alice did you notice that someone was stealing glance of his future wife (teasing smile)

Alive - ahh of course oppa. And why not it's love in the first sign.. (Teasing Smile)

Jungkook- love is in air omg (laugh)

Taehyung smile shyly

Mr. Kim - well children do you know what yn and yoongi do?

Trio - no

Mrs. Kim - well they are police officer
Yoongi is senior police officer and yn is also police officer but work under him.

Taehyung- ohh that's why she said that she liked her gun and I thought that she was just kidding (in mind)

Mr. Kim - Both of them were known as heartless officers, they never failed in their mission.
And they doesn't look like that, does it?

Jungkook - well yn noona looks soft but her brother looks so scary.

Alice nodded

Taehyung remember his glare. He wipe is forehead again he got goosebumps while remember his glare

Author pov

After some them

Yn reached at home and she fresh up and ready to go to bed.

She took her phone and call someone


Yn - did you get it what you have to do Mrs. Suzanne

Mrs. Suzanne sure mam.

She cut the call lay down on the bed
After sometime her phone starts ringing.

She pick it up
Yn - hello who is this

?? - guess who

Yn - are you telling me Or should I cut the call

?? - please guess na.

Yn - you know what you speaking or not and yeah I will  not heritage to put my six bullets in your brain.

?? Gulp

?? - it's me taehyung

Yn eyes went wide

Yn - ooo... Wooo... Taehyungshi I am sorry I thought it was someone else..
Please don't mind

Taehyung - I don't mind it at all its ok... Well I took your number from Alice

Yn - ooh ok so do you wanna say something

Taehyung - actually I called to to wish good night soo.... Goodnight sweet heart

Yn blush she felt butterflies in her tummy..

Yn - good night taehyungshi

They cut the call yn saved his number
And smile and then she drafted to her Dreamland

While taehyung
Smile remembering her threat and laugh 😂😂....
He also sleep

Author pov
?? - yn yn yn you are too much I will not leave you whenever I was going to do something you came in between but now...

Saying that ,that person pluck a flower throw it on the ground and smashed it with his/her feet

?? - I will do the same like I do to this flower.... ( laugh like a psycho )

To be continue.....

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