Chapter 7

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Author Pov

Yn was working on her table. A officer come and salute to her
Yn nodded put the file aside and look at her

Yn- yes Mrs. Suzanne

Mrs. Suzanne - mam i want some holidays.

Yn - can i know the reason

Mrs. Suzanne- actually my mom is not well she is having a operation so i have to go out of the country.

Yn - ok you can but did you done my work?

Mrs. Suzanne - it will done by tomorrow onward mam

Yn - (smirk) good ......

Mrs. Suzanne give her leave application salute to yn and move towards the door.

Phone that was on table starts ringing.


Yn - yes sir
Yg- come to my cabin

Cut the call

Yg Pov

After sometime someone know the door

Yg - come in
Yn - yes sir did you call me
Yg - did you done that work
Yn - it will done by tomorrow onward sir
Yg - hmm dismiss....

She move towards the door.

Yoongi huffed...
I know yn you never fail in any of mission but this time I am feeling different although I know you powerful enough you can protect yourself but you know what it's not a felling of a officer or senior It's the felling of a brother...
Please be safe.....

Author pov

Three brothers and sister were doing their work...

Taehyung - should I call her I am missing her so much... Should I... (In mind)

Jungkook- you should call nonna

Alice - yes you should

Taehyung - did they read my mind or what ( in mind)

Alice - we didn't read your mind it just you facial expressions can tell whats going in you mind

Taehyung - ohhh so i will come soon

Taehyung walked out from cabin

He called her

Yn- hello
Taehyung - hello yn how are you?
Yn - I am good what about you?
Taehyung - I am also good. You are not busy right...
Yn - no Its my lunch time so I am free..
Taehyung - ooh so you were having lunch.
Yn - I just done my lunch with yoongi oppa Did you have your lunch
Taehyung - I already did.. I can eat when ever I want because I am the boss ( proud smile)
Yn laughed
Taehyung - so yn did remember ab... (Suddenly he heard shouting sound like some is shouting)
Yn- SHUT UP (loud)
Person - I will not how can you bring me here huh you know who I am what I can do ( loud)
Yn throw her stick on him

Yn- JUST LOW YOUR VOICE IN FRONT OF ME and I Don't know who you are and I don't even care do whatever you want... I DON'T CARE did you get it or should I make you understand in my way huh...

Person - I am sorry..

Taehyung got amazed by her voice..

Yn - yes taehyung I am sorry for the disturbance

Taehyung - no no it's ok these types of people need treatment... And I think you can treat him

Yn - very well (smirk)

Taehyung was going to say something..
  Suddenly he heard a voice like some fell so hard
He turned and see his beloved siblings were laying and the ground..

Taehyung - you guys were listening my talk right...

Both of them smile nervously

Jk snatch phone from taehyung..

Jk - hello nonna

Alice - hello unnie

Yn- hello

Jk - noonna you remember about plan right  so be ready at 11 30 am and plz bring yoongi hyung too

Yn - actually jk he want too say something

Yg - hello jk

Jk - hello hyung

Yg - jk I am so sorry I can't come actually we both can't come at the same time as we both are senior here one of us should be here to manage everything..

Jk - I totally understand bro and we are proud of you both you do alot of our safty right

Alice - right they can't even take rest probably because of our safty.. So it's fine oppa

Taehyung -yeah don't be sorry hyung but you will come on our wedding right..

Yg (laughed) - yes yes although she is my one and only baby sister  just for her I am saving my holidays..

Yn smiled

Yn - awwww

Trio laughed

Taehyung - ok then talk to you later byyy

Yg and yn - byee

Cut the call

As I cut the phone yoongi oppa was in some kind of thought...

Yn - what happened oppa

Yg - I am just thinking dad finds a best boy for you..

Both smiled.....

Time skipped
At sunday

At mall

Yn, taehyung, Alice and jk were shopping.

Suddenly yn notice
There is someone who is following them .

Yn notice a tattoo on his hand. The tattoo which indicate that the man was from black diamond..

Yn immediately took her phone out click his picture secretly and msg someone...

To be continue.......

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