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Taehun - hi Ella is it yours dog

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Taehun - hi Ella is it yours dog...

Ella - hi taehun yeah it's my dog now days he has become to naughty....

Taehun - ahh I see (smile) (pet dog's head)

Ella - thanku for helping me taehun....

Taehun - welcome....

Ella hold her dog and went from there....

Taehun come back to her father...

Taehyung smile and jimin pet taehun 's head but Ella come back to taehun this time with a candy...

Ella - this is for you...

Taehun - ahhh Ella it's ok...

Ella - take it taehun it's my love for you....

Taehyung widen his eyes and look at jimin who also have wide eyes....

Ella come towards taehun and kiss his cheeks....

Ella - meet you at school bye...

Taehun have a shocked expression....and nodded...
Ella smile and go from there....

Taehyung & jimin both are shocked...

Jimin - taehun who is she (teasing smile)

Taehun - nothing just my friend...

Taehun is too shy and playing with his fingers his cheeks are red pink now....

Jimin - I know I know...

Taehun smile shyly.....

Taehyung - today's kids oohhh God.....but he is just like his mom....(in mind) (smile)

At night

Both dad and son are eating in mid night while lights is off.... because they don't want to get caught by yn....

On the other hand yn was sleeping peacefully she put her hands on other side she open her eyes saw empty bed....she set on bed ...

Yn - where are they both....

Yn get up and went downstairs she quietly walk towards kitchen.... saw....

On the other hands both father and son is eating peacefully.....

Taehyung - hahah son just think if your mother come and saw us like this......

Yn was listening to them she rise her eyebrows....

Taehun - dad don't even think like this much dangerous thing if she saw us mom will chew us Alive....

Taehyung - don't worry she is not here so take a chill pill.....(cool tone)

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