Chapter 16

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Taehyung - what? What are you saying yn?..

Yn - well taehyung sir she threat me she will make my husband jobless please please sir don't make him jobless....
( fake cry)

Taehyung - yn what are you saying...

Yn - MRS KIM YONI please make your husband understand na... Don't do this to my husband (smirk)

Yoni was sweating badly now....

Taehyung - what do you said to her miss yoni.... And what with that Mrs Kim yoni didn't you lee yoni and from when I am you husband?

Yoni - ss..ii.. R...  Actua....

Yn - what she will say... I will tell you....

Yn give kiyeoni to Alice...

Jk came inside...

Jk - what  what happened why you all are serious...

Yn - actually when I was coming to your cabine...
( she tell everything how she misbehave with her and how she threat her and she was talking on the phone in working hours)

Taehyung face is red now because of anger...

Yn - and miss yoni what do you think I will not get to know about your plan... I know what you were talking on the phone so don't be innocent....

Taehyung - yn can you please tell me what is she planning ( glaring at yoni)

Yn - she is selling you ideas to another company...

Jk Alice and taehyung - what.....

Yoni - no sir this this women is lying.......

Yoni come towards and raise her hands to slap her but yn caught her hand and give her a tight slap on her face....
Kiyeoni starts clapping.... She is literally having fun... 😂

Yn - don't you dare....

Yoni - YOU BE....


Kiyeoni flinched...

Yn - Alice please take her out for some times....

Alice nodded and take her out...

Taehyung - yn do what ever you want with her but i just want truth from her mouth.... (Angrily)

Yn - why not....
Yn make a ponytail.... Roll her sleeves... And

Yn pull her hair and slap her yn tangled her leg with her leg and make her fell on the ground... Yn set on her stomach and slap her nonstop....



Yn give one more slap to her.....
And get up from her....

Taehyung - to whom you were selling?

Yoni - i don't know that mam offer me lots of money and i agreed.... Please i am sorry....

Yn - and what were you saying he is your husband huh?

Yoni - .......

Yn - SAY...

Yoni - who are you?

Yn - his real wifeuuu.... (Smirk)

Taehyung come towards yn and grab her waist and side hug her.....

Taehyung - and i am her lovely husband(smirk)

Taehyung - yn I want to file a complaint against her....

Yn - you should... Wait I will call yoongi oppa...

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