Chapter 13

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Author POV

It's morning time.....
Three of them are sleeping peaceful on their bed...
Two of them open their eyes because of a knock on the door.... And kiyeoni is sleeping peacefully without caring about anything...
Taehyung went towards the door... Yn was rubbing here eyes....
Taehyung open the door, reviled jungkook and Alice with their half open eyes...
Seeing them yn get up from bed and went towards them.... Meanwhile they are coming towards the bed and both of them lay down on the bed beside kiyeoni...

Jungkook- good morning noona and hyung ( in slow voice ) (sleeply)

Alice- a very very good morning to both of you (in slow voice ) (sleeply)

Yn look at them with awww expression... MeanWhile taehyung look at them with done expression....

After some minute the baby who was sleeping peacefully is now opening her eyes and starts rubbing her eyes with her cute little hand... She is looking so cute with pout lips.. Meanwhile 4 of them are admiring her. then 5 one also join them....

She look at them after adjusting her view.... And smile at them....

Alice- awwwwww she is so cute...

Jk - yes look at her small hands they are so tiny....

Alice- just like a baby....

Taehyung- she is a baby dumbo

Everyone laugh so hard.. Including kiyeoni too....... She is showing her gums with little teeths ...

Yoongi was touching her chin....

Jk get up and bought some toys of her three of them playing with her...

Yn and taehyung get up...

Taehyung- so what to do now...

Yn - let's prepare here her tub...

Taehyung bought a bucket of water... And yn bought a empty tub...

They place all the useful things near bed....

Alice is removing her clothes and after that she handed her to yn...

Yn place her on a small stool which is in tub...jk was holding her now.... While taehyung is pouring water on her and yn is applying soap... Yoongi and Alice are doing funny things to make her smile....
Kiyeoni is also enjoying their company....

Time skip....

After bath they made her wear her dagri skirt... Which taehyung and yoongi bought for her....

They all fresh up now.....

Kiyeoni who is now in jk's arms while kiyeoni is wrapping her cute little hands around jk's neck....

Everyone reached at dinning table now.. 

Mr. Kim - awwww good morning kiyeoni....
Mr. Kim took her from jk and place her on his lap.....
4 elders are now playing with her..
They all now settle down at dinning table....

Yoongi - yn get ready after breakfast...

Yn - ok should we take kiyeoni with us....

Yoongi  - yes we have to take her....

Alice- i thought we will enjoy with her more.... (Upset)

Jk also make a sad pout...

Yoongi - don't worry I will request our department to let us take care of her okay now both of you smile please...

Kiyeoni - kvvjuhbBvjnnssrnFtg.... ( saying something in her baby language)

Yoongi - see she is also saying to smile.....

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