Chapter 23

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Alice open her see... It's yn who is holding that men's hand and glaring at him....

Yn - Alice are you ok?

Alice - yes unnie

Yn - AND YOU.... HOW DARE YOU .....

Men - I.. I d. Didn't do anything... She was the who come towards me....

Alice widen her eyes...

Alice- unnie he is....

Yn cut off her...

Yn - don't worry Alice I know... He is  lying... Relax.....

Yn twisted his hand and kick him on his back he feel on the ground .... She made him stand up...Yn slap him... He fell on the ground... He try to run away but yn grab his collar and made him stand up.... Yn punch him multiple times on his stomach with her one hand at last she kicked him.... He again fell... He can't protest against her..... Yn grab his throat
And puch him....

Alice is watching the scene with her wide eyes as she saw her unnie all sweet and kind..... But today... Today she saw angry yn...

Yn is beating him mercilessly...

That men took out something from his pocket secretly ...... It's was a knife..... He scratch her arms with that knife....

Yn hissed...

Alice - UNNIE...

Men get chance and run away..

Alice run town yn....

Alice see her arms is bleeding...

Yn run towards that men... But Alice stop her..


Alice - unnie please relax... Y..Your... Aa. Arms.. I... I.. Is b. Bleeding...

Alice grab her hair...

Alice - what to do now... (Panicking)

Yn - Alice don't worry it's nothing for me please relax don't panic ok...

Alice -  bb. But

Yn walked towards her bike and sit on get bike...

Yn - Alice come sit behind me...

Alice - are you sure you can drive with this injury..

Yn - Alice it's injury for you but for me it's just a scratch so don't worry come sit...

Alice is looking at her...

Yn - Alice sit...

Alice come and sit behind her

Alice - wait...

Alice get down the bike and come in front of her...

Alice took out a white cotton scarf from her bag...

Alice took her arms...

Yn - Alice your scraf will ru...

Alice - unnie please you are bleeding so much... And you are more important for me more than this scarf.....

Yn smile and pet her head

Alice bind scraf on her arms...

And sit behind her...

Yn start her bike and move towards their house......

At kim Mansion

Mr. Kim and mrs. Kim all ready went to sleep...

Jk and Taehyung are doing some office work...

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