Chapter 17

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Taehyung - what happen yn?

Yn - actually yoongi oppa had found kiyeoni's parents and tomorrow they are coming to take her.....

Taehyung - that's good....

Jk - yess (smile)

Alice - but she will go away from us.... (Sad smile)

Taehyung - don't be sad she will finally meet her parents.......

Alice - hmmm ( pat her head)

Yn - guys today Yoongi oppa is coming after duty, we have to make a plan to find out they are her real parents or not.....

Taehyung - don't worry we will find a way...... Hm mmm

Jk - lets continue our lunch.....

At night they all entered in kim mansion....

Yn's parents and Yoongi were already present there.....

Mrs kim - childrens come on get fresh up and come to dinning table then we will think about her parents.....

Taehyung - do you know about this?

Mr kim - yes Yoongi tell us....

Taehyung - ok....

Mrs min - yn give her to us we will make her change her clothes.....

Yn give sleeping kiyeoni to Mrs. Min.....

And they all are heading towards their rooms...

In taehyung and yns room

Yn was thinking something.....

Taehyung - yn what happen...?

Yn - we all are attached with kiyeoni already right.......

Taehyung - hm you know what in these days i feels like we become parents....(smile)

Yn - hm... (Chuckled)

Taehyung - yn?

Yn - hm

Taehyung - we will have a baby right?

Yn - ofcourse we will but we have to wait as you know so may things are already happening in my life hmm i am getting threats so first of all I have to settle this....

Taehyung - threats which threats.....

Yn eyes went wide after realising what she just said...

Yn - nevermind taehyung we have to go down stairs lets go...

Yn get up was about to take a step but taehyung pull her back by grabbing her hands....

Taehyung- yn tell ( strictly)

Yn know that she can't escape from him now....

Yn - actually my old enemy has came back with new name. And they are threading me......

Taehyung - why didn't you tell me.

Yn - i don't want to make you tensed....

Taehyung look at her worriedly

Yn - taehyung it's normal in my profession don't worry I will be all right hm its not first time.....

Taehyung still looking at her

Yn - do you trust me?

Taehyung - more than myself....

Yn - that's good and don't worry I will not leave you never.....

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