Chapter 36

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Yoongi - huh!!! Oooh i got it what you gonna do.... (Smirk)

Yn - let's do it then......

Yoongi took out his phone and inform Mr. Choi about the situation....

Yn took out her phone call someone.... After sometime she cut the call.....

Yn - let's go sir....

Yoongi - let's end their game now.... (Smirk)

Yn look at him while smirking..

At dolly's basement

Taehyung is unconscious tied on the chair..... He starts gaining his consciousness.....
Taehyung finally open his eyes.... And look around.... He is trying to observe where is he.... But it was to hard to recognize the place as the basement is to dark..... Only a small window is the source of light....

Taehyung - hey.... Anyone is here....

No reply but then he notice he is tied on the chair... Then he remember what happen at company...

Taehyung - my god... I am kidnapped.... What the hell how can they change their plan at last moment....

Taehyung huffed...

Taehyung - no worries... Till now yn already get to know I am kidnapped.... She is definitely trying to find me.... (Smirk)

Suddenly door open reviled dolly and Andy and their gards...

Andy - ooh so you wake up....

Dolly - well he is kinda handsome.....

Dolly walkes near him.... And touch him cheeks...

Dolly - leave her.... Then we will merry and have a beautiful family together...

Taehyung - NEVER!!!!... (Roaring)

Andy - ooohhh possesive huh!! (Smirk)

Dolly - nevermind ... Well wait how much you want to wait for her.... But she won't able to find this place.... And if she came by and chance then I definitely kill her in front of your eyes...

Taehyung - do you think you can...... (Smirk)

Dolly - obviously.... (Proudly)

Taehyung - let's see...


Yn and yoongi and their team is standing in front of abandoned house......

Yoongi - you sure this is the place

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Yoongi - you sure this is the place...

Yn - yes...

Yoongi - let's go then....

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