Chapter 18

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Author POV

Everyone is sitting in guest room.... Suddenly taehyung's phone ring....
He check the caller ID and it was Jimin...


Jimin - hello taehyung..
Taehyung - yes jimin..
Jimin- taehyung i just send reports on your phone and i will give you copy of the report in evening...
Taehyung - ok jimin thanks and see you in evening...
Jimin - bye see you soon..
Taehyung - bye....

Saying this he cut the call

Taehyung go near yn...

Taehyung - yn i got the report....

Yn - can you please show me....

Taehyung give his phone to yn...

Yn open the phone first thing she saw is his phone wallpaper....
It's was their wedding picture....
A smile made her way towards her face...
Taehyung noticed it..

Taehyung- what happen?

Taehyung understand why she is smiling he also smile shyly...

Yn check the reports..... It was positive...

Yn - yoongi oppa it's positive.........

Yoongi - thats great (smile)

Mr. Choi took kiyeoni from yn but she hold yn's hand...

Kiyeoni - maaaaa.... Paaaa...

Mr. Choi - guys she is calling you.... She is calling you both as maaa and paaa (smile)

Yn and taehyung look at each other....
Taehyung have tears in his eyes...

Taehyung took kiyeoni... Kiss her cheeks... And cassing her head 

Mrs. Kim - Mr. Choi please stay here till dinner..

Alice- yes we want to spend more time with kiyeoni...

Kiyeoni - jshsjsiaijabkk (puppy eyes) (join her hands)

Jungkook - look she also want to stay her for sometimes....

Mr. Choi - sure and yeah.. She is your daughter first... Because you took care of her in these days..... And me huh neglecting her moms mistake.. (Sadly chuckled)

Taehyung - don't say that please.....

Yoongi - ok ok now no more cry let's play with her........

They were playing with her.... Suddenly door bell ring...

Jk - i will check...

Jk got up and went towards main door open the door reviled jimin....

Jk - yooo broo what's upp...

Jimin - yoo broo how are you...

Jk - fine please come inside.

They both come inside...

Taehyung - oo jimin

He got up and hug himm...

Jimin - actually I come early because I also want to spend some time with kiyeoni...

Jk - awwww...

Taehyung - kiyeoni see he is elder than you... I know he is shorty but he is elder then you...

Jimin - yeahhhhh... KIM TAEHYUNG I will not leave you...

Kiyeoni was laughing..... And clap...

Jimin come and pick her up...

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