you hug them from behind *friends but crushing*

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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦


Late at night, you head into the Slytherin common room, looking for someone. 

As soon as you see them, you sneakily walk up & hug them from behind

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As soon as you see them, you sneakily walk up & hug them from behind...

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Draco Malfoy

✦ totally startled

✦ "erm... what exactly are you doing?"

✦ tries to laugh it off, is actually nervous

✦ plays it cool in front of his friends 

✦ (is a *very* bad actor tho)

✦ eventually relaxes & glances at you as you leave

✦ will think about the hug a lot

✦ becomes way more touchy with you

✦ starts jump scaring u whenever he can (it becomes his fav part of the day)

Mattheo Riddle

✦ this man will *not* mind at ALL

✦ loves that you initiated the hug

✦ is super touchy with you anyways

✦ immediately puts an arm around you >>>

✦ will keep talking to the others

✦ looks unfazed, but his heartbeat sped up

✦ he will NOT let you leave

✦ "where do you think you're going?" cheeky grin

✦ hugs you super tight (kinda never wants to let go)

Theodore Nott

✦ "oh hey pretty girl" big smile on his face

✦ he enjoys it SO MUCH

✦ actually impressed that you just hugged him

✦ will start to play with your hair

✦ involves u in the conversation to make u stay

✦ "theo i gotta go study now"

✦ he fake pouts at you "let me come?"

✦ you laugh and tell him "maybe next time"

✦ his eyes don't leave you as you walk away

he bites his cheek to stop from smiling

Lorenzo Berkshire

✦ will stop mid-sentence, turns around

✦ "what's that for, huh?"

✦ when you don't answer, he grabs your legs and gives you a piggyback ride

✦ u both laugh so hard as he runs around w you

✦ "enzo STOP everyone's staring at us, you gotta let me down" you giggle

✦ he gently brings you back to the ground "well, let them stare then" he smirks

✦ intense eye contact (your heart BEATS)

✦ as you head to your dorm, you feel his gaze on you

Pansy Parkinson

✦ "oh y/n, so clingy as always"

✦ will fake smile at you & kiss your cheek

✦ keeps talking to the others, wraps an arm around you

✦ this girl is not fazed (or so she tells herself)

✦ after a while, she says: "you guys are so boring. y/n, wanna hangout in my dorm?"

✦ you agree and head upstairs

✦ girl-talk for hours

✦ she watches you closely as you shut the door

✦ after you're gone, she stares at the ceiling

she tells herself you're just a friend... right?!

Tom Riddle

✦ literally JUMPS

✦ will push you off

✦ "what in salazar's name do you think you're doing, y/n?!" he hisses angrily

✦ you try not to laugh "sorry tom, i forgot you hate having friends"

✦ stares at you for a while, then he finally says "friends?"

✦ you nod cheekily "yeah tom, we're friends"

✦ he stares at you some more & scoffs: "you're ruining my reputation, new girl"

✦ after one last glance (supposed to intimidate you), he leaves abruptly, making you grin

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Question of the day:

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Question of the day:

Which line made you giggle?

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