what they'd get you for your birthday

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Today's your special day! 

Here's what the boys would 

get you for your birthday...

get you for your birthday

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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Draco Malfoy

draco would literally buy you everything you asked for & more

✦ your eyes grow wide when you see the pile of presents

✦ "dray this is... SO much"

✦ he grins "nothing is too much for my princess"

✦ handbags, clothes, and more... 

✦ this man will SPOIL YOU

✦ his motto: "what am i rich for if i can't spend it on my girl?!"

Mattheo Riddle

mattheo is a really talented artist so...

✦ he would draw you something

✦ you open up your gift & find a beautiful portrait of the two of you, made with charcoal pencil

✦ "oh my god matty, this is so pretty" you whisper impressed

✦ you know he values really personal presents that take time & effort

✦ you hang up the picture in your dorm & look at it every day

Theodore Nott

theo would gift you an activity that you can do together

✦ you open his handmade card and start to grin

✦ "a voucher for ice skating in a muggle park?" you ask surprised

✦ he shrugs with a smirk

✦ "i know you don't like when i just buy you 'expensive' stuff, so..."

✦ you smile until you see the location of the park "teddy wait- that's in FRANCE"

✦ theo grins apologetically "oops"

Lorenzo Berkshire

enzo would sneak into the kitchens & bake your fav cookies for you

✦ "oh my god, i love those so much!" you say excited

✦ he grins "i know, darling. here, i've got something else for you"

✦ he hands you a bigger package - which turns out to be a GIANT teddy bear

✦ you laugh "wow, that's so cute!"

✦ he chuckles "look closer, y/n"

✦ you search a little until you find a cute necklace hidden inside the bear

✦ "awww enzo it's so pretty"

Pansy Parkinson

pansy knows that you've been wanting a certain bag for AGES...

✦ ...so she'll get it for you <3

✦ you stare at your present "pans, how much did that cost?!"

✦ she just shrugs "it's whatever"

✦ you look at her with big eyes "babe, that's a designer handbag"

✦ pansy just grins "i know, pookie"

✦ "you're actually crazy. thank you" you laugh and give her a big kiss

Tom Riddle

tom doesn't think much of the 'concept' of celebrating birthdays

✦ instead of a normal gift, he wants to do something to mark you as his

✦ when you unwrap your gift, your eyes grow wide - it's a REAL dagger

✦ "i had it made for you" he murmurs and runs his hand over the blade

✦ you stare at it "it's beautiful, tom"

✦ "give me your hand, y/n" he asks

✦ you do as told & he lightly presses the blade into your skin

✦ "ouch" you hiss surprised

✦ he repeats it on his own hand & catches a couple blood drops in a small vial

✦ you tilt your head questioningly "tommy, what are you doing?"

✦ before he replies, he closes the vial carefully & casts healing spells on both your hands

✦ instead of giving you an answer, he quietly murmurs another spell

✦ the vial suddenly turns into a beautiful necklace

✦ he brushes your hair to the side and puts it around your neck

✦ "happy birthday, y/n" he whispers

✦ "tommy, was that a blood oath?" you ask breathlessly

✦ he shakes his head "no, but if you wear the necklace, i'll always know where you are."

✦ he grins "but if you want, we'll do the blood oath next year"

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Question of the day:

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Question of the day:

Which was the BEST present 

in your opinion & why?

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