you lose your memory *after being kidnapped*

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For weeks, you were held in an abandoned warehouse. The Slytherin boys searched for you day and night until they finally found you, all alone, unconscious, and covered in bruises.

 The Slytherin boys searched for you day and night until they finally found you, all alone, unconscious, and covered in bruises

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They brought you back to Hogwarts 

& you were put in the infirmary. 

Still not knowing who did all this to you, 

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Still not knowing who did all this to you, 

they refuse to leave your side. 

It's late at night when you finally wake up

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It's late at night when you finally wake up.

But something happened to your memory...

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Draco Malfoy

It's dark outside when Draco walks up and down the infirmary. All the other beds are empty, it's just you and him. The last days, he missed all of his classes to stay here with you. Madam Pomfrey tried to get him to leave - but she stood no chance. After all these days, you're still lying there unconscious. Draco can barely bring himself to eat anymore. If she doesn't wake up soon... this is all my fault, he thinks quietly. He's convinced the followers of the Dark Lord took you away to punish him for his slow progress on unaliving Dumbledore. After taking a deep breath, he walks towards you with trembling hands. Thank Salazar nobody sees me like this

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