you crawl into his bed in the middle of the night

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It's 3am & you just can't fall asleep, so you decide to sneak into your boyfriend's dorm. He's lying there peacefully when you crawl into his bed...

 He's lying there peacefully when you crawl into his bed

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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Draco Malfoy

draco grunts as your weight hits the bed

✦ you snuggle up to him & wrap your arms around his torso from behind

✦ his hand immediately finds yours

✦ he turns around slightly and murmurs: "everything okay?"

✦ you whisper "just couldn't sleep"

✦ draco shifts his weight & turns around so he faces you

✦ pulling you close, he presses a kiss onto your forehead "me either. let's try again together, hm?"

✦ you rest your head in the crook of his neck & doze off to the sound of his breathing

Mattheo Riddle

mattheo wakes up immediately as you enter his dorm

✦ when you crawl into his bed, he waits for you with open arms

✦ pulling you close, you instantly feel safe

✦ "i'm so sorry matty, i didn't wanna wake you up" you whisper quietly

✦ he brushes over your hair "don't worry mi amor, you can always wake me"

✦ "but you need your sleep too..." you breathe against his neck

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