you find them crying *after a fight*

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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦


You wander the Slytherin corridors late at night. 

It's been days since you confessed your love to your best friend (it went

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It's been days since you confessed your love to your best friend (it went... badly). They pushed you away & you haven't spoken since.

Now, you stand in front of their door, hesitating to knock, when you hear them crying

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Now, you stand in front of their door, hesitating to knock, when you hear them crying...

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Draco Malfoy

✦ you push the door open quietly

✦ draco's sitting on the bed, his face in his hands

✦ his whole body is shaking

✦ your heart breaks watching him like this

✦ as you take a step towards him, the wooden floor creaks and he jumps

✦ turning around to you, it feels like time is standing still for a moment

you open your mouth but no words come out

✦ he murmurs "y/n, you have to leave."

✦ as he stands up to guide you to the door, you stop and quietly ask "draco, is there anything i can do? i know telling you how i feel was a lot but... please don't push me away. you're still my best friend"

✦ you see the inner battle in his eyes but he eventually shakes his head "y/n... no. i can't- i just can't deal with this right now."

✦ you nod defeated "okay. fine."

✦ the way he looks at you makes your heart ache even more. 

✦ he isn't being himself, you think

✦ even though it feels like giving up, you head out

✦ after he closes the door behind you, he leans his hands against it & listens closely

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