you are reported missing *after a fight*

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It's been 2 weeks since you confessed your love to your best friend. Since then, you two barely spoke. One day, they hear the news: you are reported missing...

 One day, they hear the news: you are reported missing

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Draco Malfoy

"what are you talking about, 'missing'?! she can't be missing!", draco hisses at tom

 "dumbledore told me and the rest of the prefects.", tom answers calmly. "they can't find her. they've been searching the entire school grounds. she's not here." 

✦ draco stares at him upset

✦ "where would she go?! she never does things like this. ever. this isn't like her at all." 

✦ tom lowers his gaze and raises an eyebrow

✦ draco looks at him confused "what?" 

✦ the dark haired boy clears his throat uncomfortably: "well apparently, they suspect somebody took her." 

✦ draco's eyes almost bulge out "they think WHAT?!" 

✦ tom nods. "you didn't hear it from me though, understood?" 

✦ with that, tom turns around and leaves

✦ draco watches completely aghast as tom heads out of his dorm

✦ his whole body starts shaking

✦ the worst case scenarios pop up in his head

✦ "what if 'they' took her", he thinks with horror, "i pulled her into my mess, and i pulled away too late. this is all my fault"

✦ he sits down on the bed, rubb!ng the dark mark on his arm

✦ he's convinced that the followers of the dark lord took you away

✦ he puts his face in his hands, crying 

✦ "how will i ever get you back?" he whispers quietly

Mattheo Riddle

mattheo walks the corridors of the dungeon when he overhears a conversation between dumbledore and the prefects of all houses

✦ the second he hears your name, he stops in his tracks

✦ "...been looking everywhere for y/n. if you hear anything from the students, even the slightest rumors, report back to us immediately." dumbledore sighs. "let's hope for the best. we'll find her eventually." 

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