they show you their dark mark *friends but crushing*

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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦


It's late in the evening, when you stand at the railing of the Astronomy Tower, waiting for your best friend.

As soon as you see him,

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As soon as you see him,

you immediately know something is wrong...

you immediately know something is wrong

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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Draco Malfoy

✦ draco looks even paler than usual when he walks towards you

✦ you look at him worried "dray, are you okay?"

✦ he clenches his jaw & grips the railing

✦ "the dark lord paid my family a visit"

✦ your heart freezes "what happened?"

✦ he stares into the darkness "you know i can't tell you"

✦ you grip his hand & he finally looks you in the eye "talk to me draco, please. i'm here for you"

✦ his eyes glisten but he shakes his head

✦ "it's too dangerous, y/n"

✦ "then please just tell me your parents protected you", you whisper

✦ he smiles sadly, gripping the railing even tighter

✦ his chin begins to tremble & you look at him horrified

✦ your fingers slowly wander up his wrist

✦ "y/n please don't."

✦ he tries to stop you but you look at him "it's okay, it's okay"

✦ he searches your face. after a couple seconds, he lets you pull up his sleeve inch by inch

✦ there it was. the dark mark, slowly moving underneath his pale skin

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