how they'd act in a relationship

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Here's some cute things

the boys would do in a



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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Draco Malfoy

draco gets you little presents aaaaall the time

✦ whenever he sees you looking at something, he'll buy it the next day - without you having to ask

✦ he takes notes for you whenever you miss class

✦ surprisingly attentive when it comes to noticing little things

✦ may act tough with his friends...

✦ but with you? super clingy

Mattheo Riddle

mattheo is extremely protective

✦ his eyes follow you wherever you go, he wants to be able to help you out in any situation

✦ very touchy in private but...

✦ won't display much PDA

✦ still manages to be close to you 24/7 somehow

✦ strokes your back to help you fall asleep faster

✦ draws you when you're sleeping

Theodore Nott

theo is down bad for you & it SHOWS

✦ he'll practically never let you out of sight

✦ a smile always tugs on the corners of his mouth when he looks at you

✦ he regularly cooks you his favorite italian dishes

✦ kisses you in public all the time

✦ loves playing with your hair

Lorenzo Berkshire

enzo is literally the deluxe version of a boyfriend

✦ he pampers you, holds your hand 24/7, always by your side

✦ will very proudly show that you're his girlfriend

✦ defends you from any harm

✦ carries you to bed & removes your make-up when you're tired

✦ you'll probably be THE dream couple of hogwarts

Pansy Parkinson

it's giving secret romance

✦ stolen kisses and bedroom eyes across the room

✦ she'll hide your relationship but that somehow only makes it more exciting for both of you

✦ she regularly drags you into empty classrooms to make out

✦ you have "sleepovers" all the time 

✦ (the boys totally know what's up)

✦ she brushes your hand whenever she walks past you

Tom Riddle

tom's hand hovers behind your back whenever you're walking somewhere

✦ he can scare other boys away with a simple glance

✦ with him, you'll get way better grades because this man is studying magic 24/7

✦ he needs you by his side to be able to calm down

✦ very sudden mood swings but-

✦ he'll protect you from anything

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Question of the day:

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Question of the day:

If you could only pick one - 

who would YOU choose

as your BF/GF?

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