you steal their favorite sweater

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It's late at night when you walk into your boyfriend's dorm, wearing HIS favorite sweater. He looks up from his desk & furrows his brows...

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Draco Malfoy

draco tilts his head

✦ "hold up, isn't that my sweater?!"

✦ you look at him innocent "i don't know what you're talking about"

✦ he raises an eyebrow "no?"

✦ he quickly pulls you into his arms from behind, making you giggle

✦ gripping you tight, he whispers in your ear "then why does it look so familiar?"

✦ you grin "ugh ALRIGHT but it looks better on me anyway, don't you think?"

✦ he squints "hold your horses, pretty girl"

✦ you give him a peck "with you? never"

Mattheo Riddle

mattheo bites his lip & starts smirking

✦ "oh babe, i see what you're doing there" he whispers, scanning you up & down

✦ you look at him innocent "doing what?"

✦ he grins "you know how much i love seeing you wear my clothes, it's not fair"

✦ you walk around his dorm like it's a runway

✦ "you do, matty? i never knew"

✦ his eyes grow darker "stop teasing, amor"

✦ "so... you want me to take it off?" you ask him and draw your hands over his shoulders

✦ he looks at you with dark eyes "i think we'll leave it on for tonight"

Theodore Nott

theo bites his inner cheek & murmurs "amore mio"

✦ you spin around for him "you like it?"

✦ he takes his TIME to look you up & down

✦ "oh darling, you don't even know"

✦ you walk up to him & wrap your arms around his torso

✦ "teddy?"

✦ "hm?" he murmurs while looking at ur lips

✦ "i think i'll borrow your clothes more often from now on" you chuckle

✦ he blinks "and why's that?"

✦ you bite your lip "i think you KNOW why."

✦ his fingers press into your skin & he grins "mia bella, you'll be the death of me"

Lorenzo Berkshire

enzo looks at you intensely

✦ you pull him into a hug & smile

✦ he shakes his head with a big grin

✦ "darling, you really are something"

✦ you raise your eyebrows & chuckle "what do you mean?"

✦ he looks down "oh baby, you KNOW why"

✦ you purse your lips "mayyybe?"

✦ you both grin at each other

✦ "so... do i need to give it back?" you ask him with puppy eyes

✦ he looks at you & whispers "be a good girl and you get to keep it"

Pansy Parkinson

pansy raises an eyebrow

✦ "erm... babe?" she asks

✦ you look at her innocent "yeah?"

✦ she points towards the sweater you're wearing "what's going on here?"

✦ you fake pout "i really like this one, okay? and it smells like you"

✦ she sighs

✦ "if only you weren't so pretty" she murmurs, trying to hide her grin

✦ you smile "too bad, don't you think?"

✦ pansy pulls you close "stop talking and kiss me already"

Tom Riddle

i can't believe you stole from tommy like... RIP

tom watches as you enter his dorm

✦ he raises an eyebrow but doesn't say a word

✦ you swirl around in front of him

✦ "don't you notice anything?" you ask him innocently

✦ he looks at you with dead eyes - still no reply

✦ you let your fingers wander over his chest

✦ "tommy, i can't believe you let me steal your clothes without saying anything"

✦ after a couple seconds, his one hand grabs your wrist, while the other tightly holds your jaw in place

✦ he looks you so deep in the eye that a shiver runs down your spine

✦ he leans down & whispers "if you ask nicely, i'd give you everything you want."

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Question of the day:

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Question of the day:

Which one of the boys has the

BEST style in your opinion?

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