they ask you for a hug

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*friends but crushing*



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One evening, there's a

knock on your door. 

In comes your best friend & 

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In comes your best friend & 

asks you for a hug...

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Draco Malfoy

draco throws his bag onto the floor

✦ (he doesn't say a word)

✦ you look up from the desk as he quickly walks towards you

✦ he silently wraps his arms around you from behind & buries his face in the crook of ur neck

✦ "dray, are you okay?" you ask worried

✦ "i just need a hug" he mumbles into your shirt

✦ you turn around & pull him even closer

Mattheo Riddle

mattheo walks into your dorm with a grim expression on his face

✦ you look at him worried "matty?"

✦ he quietly asks: "could you just give me a hug? please?"

✦ your heart does THE THING

✦ you quickly get up from your desk and pull him into a tight embrace

✦ his arms engulf you and you stay like this for half an hour, just holding him

✦ "thank you, mi amor" he murmurs

Theodore Nott

you sit on your bed when theo suddenly barges into your dorm

✦ he throws his bag into the corner of your room, looking like he had the worst day

✦ "can i get a hug?" he quietly asks

✦ you open your arms with a smile

✦ "of course, teddy. come here"

✦ he walks over & crawls into your arms

✦ he hides his face in your chest & grunts "thank merlin this day is finally over"

✦ you brush over his hair until you feel him starting to relax 

✦ (he'll soon fall asleep)

Lorenzo Berkshire

enzo quietly peeks into your dorm

✦ after closing the door behind him, he shyly asks: "y/n, can i... have a hug?"

✦ you tilt your head and say: "enzo. you don't even need to ask. c'mere"

✦ swiftly moving into your open arms, he nuzzles into you with a sigh

✦ "thanks love" he whispers into your hair

✦ "of course" you murmur, wrapping your arms closely around him

✦ after some time, you quietly ask "wanna talk about it?"

✦ he shakes his head and whispers "can we just stay like this?"

✦ you smile at him "i could stay like this forever"

Pansy Parkinson

pansy stands in the doorframe & sighs

✦ you look at her "pans, what is it?"

✦ she shrugs "it's nothing. like- i'm fine but... can i just have a hug?"

✦ you grin "come here princess"

✦ you open your arms & pull her close

✦ after a while, you ask: "now tell me - what's wrong? did anything happen?"

✦ she sighs again "it's nothing really. just had a really bad day today..."

✦ you pout "my poor baby "

Tom Riddle

tom enters your dorm wordlessly

✦ you look up when he sits down on the bed and loosens his tie

✦ for a couple moments, there's complete silence until you scooch closer to him

✦ "tommy, you okay?"

✦ he grumbles "i'm fine"

✦ you raise your brows & grin "sure you are."

✦ you know he'd NEVER ask for a hug so you take it into your own hands

✦ you wrap your arms around him from behind

✦ at first, he shoots you an angry glare

✦ he'll eventually accepts his fate & makes you massage his shoulders instead (way more masculine 🙄🤭)

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Question of the day:

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Question of the day:

If you were a student in Hogwarts, 

who would be YOUR best friend?

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