what their boggarts would look like

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*before dating you*

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In today's "Defense against the Dark Arts" lesson, 

the students are facing their boggarts.

the students are facing their boggarts

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Boggarts are shapeshifting beings 

who represent our deepest, worst fears.

who represent our deepest, worst fears

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After freeing them from this cabinet,

these are the images the boys would see...

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Draco Malfoy

being a disgrace to his family

as professor lupin opens the cabin to let the boggart out, draco nervously clutches his wand. he can't believe his eyes when his father steps out, cruelly laughing at him. draco swallows harshly. his dad lucius looks at him coldly & hisses: "YOU want to be a malfoy? what a shame you are. you will never deserve to be part of this family. all you'll ever be is a disgrace." even though draco would never admit it, his knees begin to shake. hearing these words out of his father's mouth was almost too much. his heart is loudly beats in his chest but after quickly closing his eyes, he murmurs "riddikulus!" and the imagine finally disappears...

 his heart is loudly  beats in his chest but after quickly closing his eyes, he murmurs "riddikulus!" and the imagine finally disappears

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