they find you crying *enemies but crushing*

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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦


It's your first week at Hogwarts when the realization hits: 

You might never fit in, not even here. 

You break down crying & hide in the prefects bathroom

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You break down crying & hide in the prefects bathroom. 

Suddenly, you hear footsteps...

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Draco Malfoy

✦ "oh salazar what are you doing here" he scoffs until he sees your face

✦ does NOT know what to do with you 

✦ "anything wrong?" he asks squinting

you murmur "just leave me alone malfoy"

✦ he stands there for a moment

✦ "it'll get better, you know? i guess you're not stupid y/n, you'll figure it out"

✦ you stare at each other

✦ "malfoy, was that... supposed to be nice?"

✦ he grins softly: "yeah whatever"

Mattheo Riddle

✦ when you think it can't get any worse, mattheo comes barging in kissing another girl

✦ as you try to flee, he notices you "merlin, y/n!"

he realizes you're crying right away

✦ you try to run past him but he catches your wrist "talk to me"

✦ the girl he's with stares at him angrily "are you serious right now? what about me?!"

✦ he looks at her with a cold expression "i think it's time for you to leave"

✦ (you're baffled)

Theodore Nott

✦ comes in to take a break

✦ pulls out a cig, not seeing you

✦ after turning around, he realizes he's not alone

✦ "are you following me, pretty girl?" 

✦ jokes until he sees your face "trouble in paradise?"

✦ you give him a death stare "just leave me alone, theodore"

✦ he won't listen to you & sits down on the floor right next to you

✦ will start telling you funny stories about his first year at hogwarts & you can't help but start smiling eventually

✦ after some time, you both agree to *never* tell anyone what just happened

Lorenzo Berkshire

✦ in this house, we're not enemies with enzo, we're friends ;)

Pansy Parkinson

✦ comes in to check her make up

✦ "oh merlin, new girl. crying already?!"

✦ will be pretty rude

✦ "if you weep down there, the snakes are gonna eat you alive. get it together"

✦ tough love

✦ will fix your make up with all the stuff she has in her bag

✦ "this never happened. alright?" she hisses

✦ leaves abruptly

Tom Riddle

✦ was in the prefects bathroom before you came in 

✦ (you didn't see him)

he tried to sit it out but you just wouldn't stop crying, so he clears his throat loudly

✦ you notice him with horror "tom, i-"

✦ neither of you know what to say

✦ "do you plan on doing this much longer?" he asks neutrally

✦ you stare at him confused

he sighs "nevermind." 

✦ stands up & leaves you alone (and even more confused...)

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Question of the day:

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Question of the day:

Who would be the best at comforting you?

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