you sing them to sleep

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It's 3am when you suddenly wake up and find your boyfriend wide awake next to you, staring up at the ceiling. "Can't sleep?", you murmur. He shakes his head, so you pull him close & start to hum...

 He shakes his head, so you pull him close & start to hum

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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Draco Malfoy

✦ draco nuzzles into your shoulder, breathing in your scent

✦ you start singing in his ear softly

✦ he closes his eyes

✦ you run your hands through his hair

✦ "don't stop" he murmurs when you get slower

✦ you smile & keep going

✦ he feels more at home with you than he ever has with his parents

✦ you kiss his forehead when you feel him drifting off

Mattheo Riddle

✦ pulls you so tight you can barely breathe

✦ "matty you'll have to let go a little" you chuckle quietly

✦ his nose brushes your skin as he shakes his head

✦ "i literally can't" he murmurs

✦ you kiss the top of his head "okay love"

✦ rubbing his back softly, you start humming

✦ he lays his head in the crook of your neck to feel your voice more

✦ feels safest when he's in your arms, so he dozes off quickly

✦ will hold you tight all night

Theodore Nott

✦ "c'mere love" you whisper & crawl close to theo, so you're lying face to face

✦ softly placing your finger on his forehead, you try to wipe away the deep furrow

✦ "stop worrying, my love. you need rest" you mutter

✦ he wraps his arms around you & kisses your nose

✦ "i know, cara mia. i know"

✦ when you slowly start singing to him, he smiles gently and closes his eyes

✦ you're the safe place he always needed

✦ you watch his face relax more and more until he finally drifts off

Lorenzo Berkshire

✦ "enzo, you need sleep" you murmur

✦ he sighs "i know darling"

✦ he rests his hand on your chest, wanting to feel your heartbeat bc it calms him

✦ you lean forward & kiss the tip of his nose

✦ slowly starting to sing him a lullaby, you watch him close his eyes

✦ when you take a breath, you hear him mutter "i love you..." half asleep

✦ you smile & keep humming

✦ when he's off, you kiss his jaw and whisper "i love you too"

Pansy Parkinson

✦ you wake up & find pansy staring up at the ceiling

✦ "pans, come here"

✦ you scooch on close to her, taking her in your arms and she sighs

✦ "i just can't sleep y/n. it's not a big deal" she murmurs but you hear her letting out a deep breath

✦ you draw small circles on her arm & start singing a lullaby

✦ you hum the song her mother always sang for her when she was little 

✦ (bc you know she misses her family)

✦ feeling her breath get more even, you realize you've become her home away from home

Tom Riddle

✦ tom leans against the headboard of the bed when you wake up

✦ "tommy please lie back down. i can't sleep like this" you murmur

✦ after a few moments, he lets out a breath & does as you asked, but with his back facing you

✦ you snuggle up to him & wrap your arm around his torso, kissing his back gently

✦ when you start singing to him in parsel, he takes your hand & presses it softly

✦ you know it's his subtle way of saying "thank you" so you keep humming

✦ it tugs on ur heart when he finally falls asleep because you know he'd never relax around anyone else but you

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Question of the day:

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Question of the day:

What's the most beautiful

lullaby you've ever heard?

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