they sneak into your bed at night

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*friends but crushing*



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It's 3am & you're lying in bed. Suddenly, the door opens. In comes your best friend, who quickly crawls under your blanket...

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Draco Malfoy

draco cautiously snuggles up to you

✦ you let out a small yawn when he wraps his arm around you

✦ "dray? is that you?"

✦ he freezes

✦ "y/n, i thought you were asleep"

✦ you murmur "well... i was? until a certain somebody decided to crash my bed"

✦ when he chuckles, you turn around & look at him "are you okay though?"

✦ he looks at you serious for a while until he eventually nods 

✦ "yeah. i just... couldn't be alone tonight"

✦ "you can come over anytime dray" you whisper & close your eyes again, not seeing the small smile on his face...

Mattheo Riddle

mattheo wastes no time

✦ he immediately crawls underneath the blanket & pulls you close to him

✦ you murmur sleepily "matty, is that you?"

✦ he freezes "i'm so sorry hermosa, i didn't wanna wake you up"

✦ you smile softly "i don't mind if it's you"

✦ mattheo's heartbeat speeds up & he wraps his arm around your waist

✦ "bad dreams again?" you whisper & start drawing small circles on the back of his hand

✦ "don't worry about it darling" he murmurs

✦ he'll quickly calm down and doze off to the sound of your breathing <3

Theodore Nott

you wake up when theo sits down on the bed

✦ you smile groggily & lift the blanket

✦ "hey teddy" you murmur

✦ he crawls closer & sighs "sorry bella, i know it's 3am. i probably shouldn't have come"

✦ you immediately turn around to him"it's fine, teddy. i really don't mind it"

✦ he mutters "not even when i wake you in the middle of the night?"

✦ you shake your head slightly & grin "you're the only one who can wake me anytime"

✦ he snuggles close to you & smiles quietly

✦ "thanks amore" he murmurs

Lorenzo Berkshire

enzo cautiously crawls into ur bed

✦ he tries his best not to wake you and...

✦ you keep sleeping peacefully <3

the next morning...

✦ you wake up with him by your side

✦ a smile spreads on your face as you see him next to you

✦ "hi enz"

✦ he sighs "hiiii..." with closed eyes

✦ "when did you come here?" you murmur

✦ he yawns "around 3? theo was snoring so loud i had to change rooms"

✦ (you grin)

Pansy Parkinson

pansy slithers under your blanket

✦ she swiftly wraps her arms around you

✦ "pans?" you murmur groggily

✦ she whispers "it's just me, y/n. keep sleeping"

✦ you murmur "everything okay?"

✦ "yeah yeah. i'm fine" she mutters

✦ you grab her hand "pansy. tell me what's wrong, hm?"

✦ she sighs "just a bad dream about my family. plus my roommate was snoring so..."

✦ you open up your arms & she crawls into your embrace

Tom Riddle

tom enters your dorm quietly

✦ he makes absolutely no sound so you keep sleeping

✦ after sitting down on your desk, he begins working on a school assignment

✦ after a while, his elbow accidentally brushes his quill off the desk

✦ before he's able to catch it, you wake up

✦ blinking your eyes open, you whisper: "tommy? what are you doing here?"

✦ he grimaces "you weren't supposed to notice i'm here"

✦ you furrow your brows & murmur "do you come here often when i'm asleep?"

✦ he shrugs 

✦ "occasionally."

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Question of the day:

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Question of the day:

Who remembers the first version of this chapter (as a "dating" scenario)?

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