you sneak into their dorm at night

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*friends but crushing*



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It's 3am & you just can't fall asleep, so you decide to sneak into your best friend's dorm. He's sound asleep when you crawl into his bed...

 He's sound asleep when you crawl into his bed

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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Draco Malfoy

draco's eyes flutter open when you crawl underneath the blanket

✦ he tilts his head back & groggily murmurs "who is this? what's going on?

✦ you freeze "i'm so sorry dray, i didn't wanna wake you up"

✦ he turns around slightly

✦ "y/n? what's wrong, are you okay?"

✦ you sigh "just couldn't sleep. do you... do you mind if i stay here tonight?"

✦ it's quiet for a moment

✦ draco thanks the angels that it's too dark for you to see him smiling

✦ "of course. come on over here" he murmurs & pulls you close to him

Mattheo Riddle

mattheo blinks when he hears you enter his dorm in the middle of the night

✦ "y/n?" he asks sleepily

✦ "i'm so sorry matty, i didn't wanna wake you up" you whisper

✦ he lifts the blanket "don't worry darling, come on over here"

✦ you quickly crawl into his bed, moving really close to him

✦ "did anything happen?" he asks quietly

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