your valentine's date with them

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*friends but crushing*



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After they asked you 

to be their Valentine, it's

time for your date...

time for your date

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Draco Malfoy

Draco stands at the railing of the Astronomy Tower. He smirks as you climb up the stairs and walks towards you. "Hi, Y/n", he murmurs and presses a kiss on your cheek. You look at him shy and blush as he takes your hand. Leading you closer to the railing, you suddenly see a picnic blanket on the floor. There's a basket with wine, food and rose petals laying on the ground. You look at Draco with wide eyes. "I can't believe you did all this for me." He shrugs with a smile. "I don't know. I feel like should've done this a long time ago." Your face lights up. Draco and you stay there for hours, talking, laughing. This night feels like a dream - it is the perfect date...

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Mattheo Riddle

"Matt, where are we going?", you ask as you hold onto him for dear life. He's flying on his broomstick - with you. Mattheo grins. "You trust me, don't you?" You sigh and grumble: "Sometimes I wish I didn't..." He just laughs. You can't believe your eyes when city lights appear in front of you. "Wait- is this London?", you call surprised. Mattheo smirks. "I'm taking you to a muggle Valentine's party in the city. I know you've always wanted to go, and I've never been, so..." You look at him excited. "Are you for real?! That's where you're taking me? Oh my God, Matt, you're the best!" Mattheo's face lights up with a smile. "Anything for my favorite person", he says and you hug him even tighter...

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Theodore Nott

"I still can't believe you just kissed me.", you say out of breath. Theo shrugs with a grin. "I should've done it ages ago, bella. Was about time." You look at him and a smile forms on your face. His gaze gets so intense that butterflies begin swarming in your belly, so you quickly stutter: "Alright, so- where are you- I mean, where are we going now?" Theo takes your hand. "I want to be alone with you today. To be honest, I thought about taking you to Hogsmeade, but it's gonna be crowded there. So what do you think about... the room of requirement?" His eyes sparkle as he looks at you. "Wait- that room becomes whatever we need, so..." Theo ends your sentence: "It becomes the perfect place for our date." You smile at him excited. "That's... that's actually brilliant!" He smirks. "Did you ever question my abilities to court a young lady?", he asks with a cheeky grin. You sigh: "No, I know you're really good at that." Theo gently touches your jaw. "Y/n, look at me", he murmurs. You bat your lashes. "I want to be with you, not them. You're my best friend, and so much more. Please trust me." You look at him. You've never seen him this serious. Standing on your tippy toes, you wrap your arms around him and say: "Alright, but only if you kiss me again." He smirks. "Oh amore, I'm at your service, always."

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Lorenzo Berkshire

Enzo waves as you make your way to the Black Lake. Your eyes grow wide when you see him standing by a boat. "Enz, please tell me we're not actually going rowing in the scariest water there is", you murmur nervously. He reaches out his hand to you. "Don't worry, darling. I've had a little chitchat with the Grindylows superboss, they won't be bothering us tonight." You look at him unbelievingly. "Only you could make friends with actual sea monsters and get away with it." Enzo grins triumphant: "Nobody can res!st my charm, not even-" "Oh shut up now, pretty boy", you say and grab him by his collar, swiftly placing your lips on his. He smiles into the kiss and pulls you even closer... (There is a 90% chance you'll both fall into the water)

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Pansy Parkinson

Pansy and you are chilling in her dorm, laying on the bed and watching the cringiest rom-coms you found on TV. "Valentine's Day is SO overrated", Pansy grumbles as she pushes another load of popcorn into her mouth. "I mean, I could kiss you any other day of the year if I wanted to, so I-" Pansy looks at you startled after realizing what she just said. You prop yourself up on your elbow and grin. "Pans, I thought we were spending Galentine's together - as friends?" Pansy purses her lips and nods. "Technically, yes. But... girl friends can make out occasionally, can't we?" You shake your head with a smile. "Just say it if you wanna kiss me." Pansy looks at you. Suddenly, she murmurs: "Oh f... it" and crashes her lips onto yours...

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Tom Riddle

You and Tom have been walking around the Forbidden Forest for ages when he finally stops in his tracks. "Quiet", he murmurs. Slowly pacing forward, Tom reaches his hand out to something you cannot see. He tilts his head and gestures you to come closer. "Come over here, Y/n." You look at him confused. "Tom, I don't see anything. Does that mean-" He raises his eyebrows. "Thestrals, darling." Your mouth falls open. "Oh my God, that's incredible!" The corner of his mouth twitches. "Let me show you something", he whispers and grabs you by the waist, putting you on top of the invisible black animal. "Hold on tight", he says with a grin as he climbs up in front of you, and you hold onto him as the thestral flies high into the sky. You're painfully aware of the fact that you've never been this close to his body...

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Question of the day:

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Question of the day:

Which of the dates would 

YOU wanna go on?

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