they catch you reading a spicy book 🌶️

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*enemies but crushing*



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One evening, your enemy catches 

you reading a pretty spicy book 

in the Slytherin common room...

in the Slytherin common room

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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Draco Malfoy

draco raises his eyebrow

✦ before you can do anything...

✦ he steals the book out of your hands

✦ "maybe you're not as innocent as you look, huh?" he teases you

✦ you hunt him through the common room to get back the book

✦ (without success)

✦ he will 100% keep teasing you about it FOR LITERAL WEEKS

✦ (he secretly loves making you blush)

Mattheo Riddle

mattheo smirks

✦ "is this your taste in books or your taste in men?" he asks with a cheeky grin

✦ you roll your eyes

✦ "just leave me alone, riddle. i'm surprised you even know this book"

✦ he leans down dangerously close and whispers in your ear...

"if you wanna make those fantasies come true - you know where to find me"

✦ he winks as he leaves & you look after him speechless

Theodore Nott

theo grins wide

✦ "are my eyes lying to me or is little miss y/n reading a SPICY book in the middle of the common room?!"

✦ he grabs the book before you can protest

✦ "nott! stop it" you whisper-yell and give him an angry glance

✦ he reads the blurb (looking rather intrigued by the content) and a smirk forms on his face

✦ "no need to read about stuff like this if you could have it in real life" he says with a wink as he hands back the book...

Lorenzo Berkshire

enzo plops down on the couch next to you & looks over your shoulder

✦ he starts to grin

✦ "respect" he suddenly says

✦ you look up confused "pardon?!"

✦ he smirks "i never knew you were... this type of person. respect."

✦ you furrow your brows "wait- what type of person? what are you saying?"

✦ he grazes his tongue over his teeth with a smile

✦ "the interesting type, y/n."

Pansy Parkinson

pansy raises her eyebrows

✦ "and i thought you were such a grandma" she murmurs while looking over your shoulder from behind

✦ you almost jump

✦ "parkinson, what the hell! why are you creeping up on me like this?!"

✦ pansy leans down & grins

✦ "i'm always here when interesting stuff happens. and you reading a 🌶️🌶️ novel? that's one for the books"

Tom Riddle

tom sits in the armchair facing you

✦ you don't notice him staring until he suddenly stands in front of you

✦ you look up startled "riddle, you scared me!"

✦ he tilts his head "i'd never expected you to read these type of books."

✦ you start blushing and stutter: "yeah, well- i- i am- i don't know, why do you even care what i read, tom?!"

✦ an arrogant smirk forms on his face

✦ "i like to keep an eye on my enemies, darling. and especially on their weaknesses."

✦ (after he leaves, your knees almost give in...)

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Question of the day:

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Question of the day:

Do you ever read 🌶️🌶️ books in public?

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