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Ivaara’s P.O.V.

I was feeling sick- not like SICK sick but there was this weird ache in my heart. Tomorrow’s our engagement and Vansh hasn’t talked to me since our date.

I couldn’t help but wonder if he was hurt since I didn’t let him kiss me. I knew I wasn’t good enough for him but- I like him now and the thought of losing him scares the shit out of me.

‘Please Kanha, please don’t make it all end. I have never felt this for a man.’

Tears started flowing down my face and I let my emotions take hold of me.

“No, no please!” My voice was barely a whisper compared to the voices in my head.

‘Good for nothing.'

“AHHH, leave me please! Don’t hurt me-”

‘Do you think anyone will love you after this? You’re mistaken, you slut.’

My mind was slipping into a state of oblivion- I didn’t have any strength left in me to fight it when suddenly, a pair of arms enveloped me in their warmth.

“Vaara? Vaara, LOOK at me. What’s wrong? Tell-tell me na please!”

“V-Va-nsh.” I whispered. “You- a-are here.”

“Yes, yes I am here. Please tell me what’s wrong, baby.”

And suddenly, all the emotions I had been going through these days came over and I hugged him.

Rivaansh’s P.O.V.

For the past days since our date, I have been walking on thin ice. Some mother-fucker broke into one of our warehouses and burnt all the packages we had stored in it. What’s worse is the fact that those weren’t weapons or drugs- those were the medicine packages we had prepared for the village people.

As I dropped Ivaara home and left from her place, I  was informed about this mishap and I immediately left for Jaipur. I didn’t get any time to text or call Ivaara after that and that was making me even more mad at those bastards- THREE FUCKING DAYS since I heard her voice.

As soon as I landed back in Ajmer, I rushed to her house. I know that this may get me a slap or two but I don’t care. I had this weird tightness in my chest and I wanted to ease it.
I rang the doorbell and luckily they were awake ‘coz Abhinav opened the door.

“Yuvraaj? What are you- uhh, come in first.”

“Hey, Abhinav.” I went inside and greeted Uncle and Aunty who were equally shocked on seeing me.

“Actually, I was out for these past three days and couldn’t even talk to Ivaara so-”

They started laughing.

“So you came home at midnight to meet her? Damn, Chauhaan you’re whipped.”

I scoffed but then turned towards Uncle again.

“You can meet my daughter if you call me Papa.”
“Papa.” I called a little too immediately making him smirk.

I went upstairs towards my Vaara’s room but as soon as I opened the door, the scene infront of me shook me to the core.

There she was on the floor, hugging her knees, tears streaming down her face like a waterfall. Her eyes were blankly staring at thin air and she was mumbling, asking someone to not hurt her. I had seen death, sufferings and trust me, the pain I felt in my heart right now was worse than both those two. I rushed to her and took her in my arms.

“Vaara? Vaara, LOOK at me. What’s wrong? Tell-tell me na please!”

“V-Va-nsh.” She whispered. “You- a-are here.”

Her voice was hoarse, as if it pained her to speak.

“Yes, yes I am here. Please tell me what’s wrong, baby.”

She clutched me and started sobbing. With every tear that dropped from her eyes, I was getting more and more scared.

“Vaara, look at me.”

She shook her head and snuggled even more into me.

“Va-nsh I- I thought y-you got mad a-at me. I-I called you Vansh, I messaged you b-but- I’m sorry Vansh, I- I a-am sorry if-if I hurt you. I pro-promise, I’m trying Vansh. You- you c-can ki-kiss me- I-”

I placed my palm over her mouth making her go quiet.

“Shhhh, Ivaara. I was not mad at you, I can never be- ESPECIALLY for a petty thing like a kiss. Why did you even think so, huh? I don’t know what has happened to you in your past, Vaara but I do realise that you are not comfortable with physical touch. And you know what, jaan? I am okay with it- even if you don’t let me touch you for the rest of my life, I will still choose you because you are what I need. So drop this thought okay?”

She nodded and then hugged me again.

“Why did you not answer my calls and messages?” She asked and her voice was so cute, just like a little baby.

“I was trapped in work, Vaara. My assistant knows not to pick up any calls other than family and well- we haven’t released any official statement about our marriage yet so....Tomorrow after our engagement, the world will know that you are their RAANISA, Ivaara. As for me, I apologise- I should’ve told my assistant to pick your call up too.”

“I-I thought you don’t want to marry me anymore.”

I chuckled at her invasive thoughts.

“Trust me Vaara, if I had a choice, I would’ve married you today itself- RIGHT HERE.”

She hugged me again, rubbing her face on my chest. GOD she is so cute!

“You done wiping your snort on me?”

She whacked my chest as if her tiny hands would hurt me.
But the next moment, she really did make my heart leap out of my chest- in a positive way, ofcourse.

She got up on her knees, grabbed my face in her hands and left a little peck on my forehead. My world stopped- SHE KISSED ME.

God I am a goner!

“Hmm? Hmmm bolo?”
“You can kiss me. I-I won’t mind.”
“Fuck, Ivaara! What the hell are you doing to my heart?” I groaned before cupping her face gently and giving her tiny button nose a cute peck, to which she scrunched her nose.

“Accha now tell me, have you eaten anything?” She asked me.

I sheepishly smiled and scratched the back of my neck, shaking my head in a no. She huffed and got up gesturing me to do the same. What next, she cooked me dinner while I kissed her more and more in between, earning me countless punched and spatula beatings. Finally, with a full stomach, a happy heart and a peaceful mind, I kissed her Goodnight and left for home. We will be engaged tomorrow- cannot have my eyes puffed up due to lack of sleep.

I am sorry again guys.....all the travelling is taking a toll on me....
Now, I promise I will try to be punctual....

Ivaara's past will be revealed really soon guys....
This chapter really made me cry...I could feel Ivaara and Vansh both at the same time....
Drop ur reviews pls...
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Until next time,
Love y'all ❣️

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